
Autodesk Flame 2021 MacOS

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Autodesk Flame由是Autodesk公司(译作欧特克)开发的一款高端电影剪辑和特效制作系统。Flame是用于高速合成、高级图形和客户驱动的交互设计的终极视觉特效制作系统。
Autodesk Flame 提供出色的性能和荣获奥斯卡奖的工具。
从全国性的电视广告片和音乐电视到风靡一时的电影,Flame 为视觉特效艺术家成功完成制作项目提供了所需的交互性和灵活性。
Autodesk Flame 系统将创作自由性与经过制作实践检验的性能和可靠性结合在一起,旨在启发每个艺术家的最佳创作灵感。Flame 不仅提供出色的 HD 性能,而且为合成、高级图像和客户驱动的交互设计提供了一个业界著名的创作工具包。
荣获奥斯卡奖的 Flame 是由艺术家为艺术家设计的,继续为衡量其它合成工具设定标准。通过强大的 三维合成环境,Flame 为艺术家提供了在处理复杂的电影或快节奏的电视后期制作时以交互方式进行实践的灵活性。

工作流程 借助全面的素材兼容性,Flame 和 Smoke 艺术家可以处理同一个项目,而不必复制媒体或设置。Autodesk 系统还能够轻易地访问、与第三方软件共享媒体,并支持多种文件格式,能在整个制作公司实现高效、具有包容性的工作流程。

x64 | Language:English | File Size: 1.22 GB

Advanced 3D visual effects software – Flame® software offers tools for fast, interactive 3D visual effects, finishing, compositing, advanced graphics, color grading, conform, editorial, and look development. 3D compositing (Action) Combines the interactive speed of traditional 2D compositing and powerful 3D visual effects. Includes WYSIWYG preview for artists in session.

Node-based compositing (Batch)
Batch, a node-based procedural compositing environment, integrates with the timeline and desktop to combine 2D and 3D elements.

Editorial timeline
Oversee projects, create consistent looks, and correctly match graded and 3D VFX shots. Includes scene detection.

Matchbox API
Lightbox, Matchbox, and PBR shaders let you use GPU-accelerated GLSL shaders to solve challenges in Action’s 3D compositing environment.

Action projection tracking
Turn a projection into a UV set for the geometry.

Connected Conform smart merge
Merge new editorial cuts dynamically with work-in-progress shots late in a project.

Python API
Drive the Batch environment via scriptable commands.

Use a scriptable handler to process your images via external renderers.

System Requirements:
OS:10.11.x El Capitan, 10.12.x Sierra, High Sierra 10.13.x, Mojave 10.14.
GPU:Minimum 4 GB VRAM
CPU:Intel 64 multi core processor
Display:1920 x 1200 display with 60hz refresh rate

Whats New:
Updates:official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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