DPlot 适用于科学研究,工程技术的图表软件,用来显示2维,3维数据。
DPlot | 15.3 MB
DPlot is a general purpose plotting program designed for scientists, engineers, and students. DPlot features multiple scaling types, including linear, logarithmic, and probability scales, as well as several special purpose plots: tripartite grids (shock spectra), grain size distribution plots, polar plots, contour plots of 3D data, and box-and-whisker plots and dot graphs of one or more 1D samples. Manipulation functions include FFT, filtering, and smoothing. DPlot is a software that helps you to plot graphs. Data can be input via a variety of file formats, copied from the clipboard, sent to DPlot from another program via dynamic data exchange, or generated by formula. Example Visual Basic and C demo driver programs (source and compiled executable) are included.
Key Features:
Multiple scaling types, including linear, logarithmic, and probability scales on the X and/or Y axes. DPlot also provides several special purpose scale types, including grain size distribution plots, tripartite grids (shock spectra), polar charts, and triangle plots.
Bar charts with bars drawn side-by-side or stacked.
Box-and-whisker plots and dot graphs for one or more groups of 1D data.
Multiple independent or dependent scales.
Error bars with magnitudes set to a constant value, to a percentage of the amplitudes, or independently.
Fill between 2 curves, fill the area formed by closing a curve, or fill from a curve to a specified Y value. Choose from seven pre-defined fill patterns or create a custom pattern.
Contour plots of 3D data, shown as contour lines in a plan view of the XY plane or as shaded bands in a 3D projection. DPlot accepts both randomly-spaced 3D points and points on a rectangular grid. For rectangular grids only, DPlot can also produce a waterfall plot.
3D scatter plots, with up to 100 data sets and colors based on Z value or data set.
Choose from 38 symbol styles and/or 7 line styles for your XY plots. You have full control over symbol size, line weight, and color.
Choose from a variety of number formats for each axis. Date and time formats are customizable.
Copy and/or link data from other sources (e.g. spreadsheets), or use our Excel Add-In to easily move data from Excel to DPlot.
Copy and/or link DPlot-produced graphics to other applications.
Add text notations to plots.
Generate curves from formulas.
Data manipulation functions include integration, differentiation, Fast Fourier Transform, filtering, data smoothing, and many other simpler editing functions.
If you have several data records from the same high-speed event and want to play back those records in sync with each other… well, you can. Have a video associated with your data? Play the video back along with your data, synchronized at the data rate you specify.
Interpolate between points, scan values of curves graphically, and report peak values.
Include subscripts, superscripts, and characters from the Symbol font (Greek characters, trademark symbols, etc.) in the title lines and axis labels of your plots, as shown here.
Plot very large data sets. The number of data points is limited only by the memory (both physical and virtual) on your system.
Send data to and control DPlot from another program through the DPLOTLIB interface (available free-of-charge as a separate download. Example programs with source for Visual Basic, VB.NET, PowerBasic, 4 different C compilers and 5 different FORTRAN compilers are provided.
You may create additional functionality with your own plugin modules for file import and data manipulation. Example C plugin source code is provided with the Plugin Examples.
OS : Windows 8, Windows 7, 2008, Vista, XP, NT, ME, 2003, 2000, Windows 98, 95
Language : English
Home Page – http://www.dplot.com
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