
Jane Angel Templar Mystery-PROPHET 简安琪之圣堂武士之秘

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 简安琪之圣堂武士之秘,女主角Jane Angel是一名联邦调查局特工,同时也是一名艺术品专家,她正在调查圣杯的踪迹。在《Jane Angel: Templar Mystery》中,你需要帮助她跟随线索去探索真理,并找到这件无价珍宝的如今下落。

 Group PROPHET has released another pc game called “Jane Angel Templar Mystery”. Enjoy!

Description: Jane Angel, an FBI agent and an art expert, is investigating the Holy Grail! Follow the clues and find this priceless treasure! Where could the Holy Grail be found nowadays? Was it brought to Colombia by Columbus under the Red Templar’s Cross on his sails? Was it buried under Roslyn Chapel in Scottish Mountains? Are Maltese Knights, Hospitaller considered to be the keepers of the Holy Grail? Discover the truth in Jane Angel: Templar Mystery, a gorgeous Hidden Object game.


  • Travel across the globe
  • Solve a timeless mystery
  • Find the Holy Grail!

Release Name: Jane.Angel.Templar.Mystery-PROPHET
Size: 184.46 MB

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