
JoJos Bizarre Adventure AllStar Battle PS3-DUPLEX

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《JOJO 的奇妙冒险 群星大对决》由长年经手《火影忍者:终极风暴》系列的 CyberConnect 2 製作,採用重现原作漫画独特画风的 3D 绘图,将收录第 1 部「幻影血脉」到第 8 部「JOJO利昂」共计30人以上的角色供玩家操作。系统採用 3D 角色模组,使用 2D 横向对战格斗玩法,来精彩重现原作角色绝招和名场面。


JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle arrives exclusively for the PlayStation 3! Adapted from Hirohiko Araki’s smash manga hit, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, the game takes characters spanning all eight incredible story arcs of the manga and pits them against each other in an epic one-on-one fighting game. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle gives players the feeling they are participating in vivid and colorful battles straight from the pages of the manga. Each character comes with their signature moves punctuated by dynamic camera angles to capture every highlight of the fight either against computer opponents via Story Mode or human adversaries online.


  • Stunning Visuals: Authentic creation of the original manga’s dynamic scenes
  • Faithful Story: Covers the original manga from the 1st chapter to the latest 8th chapter
  • Variety of Characters: 41 total for an incredible selection of characters
  • Battle Styles: Five different battle styles from each chapter collide in one arena
  • Character Customization: Utilize Custom Medals to change taunt poses, taunt phrases and winning poses

Publisher: Namco Bandai
Developer: CyberConnect2
Genre: Fighting

Release name: JoJos.Bizarre.Adventure.AllStar.Battle.PS3-DUPLEX
Size: 2.58GB
Links: HomepageiGNGamepostGametrailersNFO

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