
TimeCalcPro 3.12

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TimeCalcPro 3.12

1。1个区时是1小时,15个经度。 2。因为地球是自西向东自转的,所以,自西向东,是加;反之,减。 3。180°是国际日期变更线,从东经到西经,减一天;从西经到东经,加一天。
TimeCalcPro 中的选项卡让您的五个简单的计算器界面之间切换。每个专业在不同类型的日期和时间计算。在 TimeCalcPro 软件中运行您的计算你想要的样子。您可以。。。.·选择类型的时间单位 :年、 月、 周、 日、 小时
interval 必要。字符串表达式,表示用来计算date1 和 date2 的时间差的时间间隔
Date1□date2 必要;Variant (Date)。计算中要用到的两个日期。
Firstdayofweek 可选。指定一个星期的第一天的常数。如果未予指定,则以星期日为第一天。
firstweekofyear 可选。指定一年的第一周的常数。如果未予指定,则以包含 1 月 1 日的星期为第一周。

TimeCalcPro 3.12 | 6.1 MB

Do you use a regular calculator to perform date and time math? That’s like using a screwdriver when the job calls for pliers. It’s tedious at best, and mistakes are easy to make. Stop using the wrong tools! Dump your slow, old-fashioned conversion procedures and get TimeCalcPro today. The tabs in TimeCalcPro let you switch between the five simple calculator interfaces. Each one specializes in a different type of date and time calculation.

Run your calculations exactly the way you want in TimeCalcPro software. You can….
· Choose the types of time units (Years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and/or seconds).
· Select the number of decimal places for your answers.
· Choose how your answers are rounded.
· Copy answers to your clipboard automatically.
· Print your calculations with custom page headers.

Here are some key features of “TimeCalcPro”:
Add up payroll timecards, with automatic overtime calculations
Find the difference between dates; view the answer in your choice of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and/or seconds
Add and subtract days, weeks, months, years from any starting date
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide any combination of days, hours, minutes and seconds
Convert 24-hour (military) time to AM/PM times and vice versa
Perform AM/PM time addition and subtraction
Convert between days, hours, minutes and seconds

OS : Windows 8, 7, Vista, or XP
Language : English

Home Page – http://www.spudcity.com

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