
Systat 2015 Suite

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Systat 2015 Suite

SYSTAT是一款强大的统计软件,拥有你在进行高效的数据分析时所需要的各种统计功能。 它为你提供从基础的描述性统计到基于高端算法的高级统计方法的各种功能。 如果你是统计学的新手,你可以使用友好、简单的菜单-对话框完成工作。 如果你是统计学的老手,你也许更喜欢使用直观的命令语言,快捷、方便地分析数据。在这两种情况下,你可以利用它的许多强大技术来分析多种类型的数据和回答多种问题。你可以基于线性、广义线性、以及混合线性模型进行单变量和多变量数据的全面分析。当你的数据不适合做传统的多重回归分析时,你可以进行多种稳健回归分析。你可以计算偏最小二乘回归。你可以做实验设计,进行功效分析,拟合数据。你可以用它进行矩阵运算。任何你需要的——时间序列,生存分析,响应面优化,空间统计,测验题分析, 聚类分析,分类和回归树,对应分析,多维尺度分析,联合分析,质性分析,路径分析等等

Systat 2015 Suite | 665.8 mb

SYSTAT is a general purpose statistical software package. Compared with some other statistical package, it is very easy to use and highly integrated. 

It is powerful and comprehensive. The software includes basic statistics, these basic functions are usually the most commonly used statistics (e.g., user can do descriptive statistics, frequencies, correlations and etc.). And Systat can do advanced statistics as well (e.g., regression, ANOVA, MANOVA, factor analysis, cluster analysis, time series).

Product Information in this pack:

– Systat AutoSignal 1.70 – AutoSignal offers a revolutionary way to analyze signals with a wide variety of techniques never before available in a single package.
– Systat PeakFit 4.12.00 – Peakfit’s state-of-the-art nonlinear curve fitting is essential for accurate peak analysis and conclusive findings. 
– Systat SigmaPlot – SigmaPlot graphing and statistical analysis software takes you beyond simple spreadsheets to help you present your work clearly and precisely.
– Systat TableCurve 2D 5.01.02 – TableCurve 2D is the first and only program that completely eliminates endless trial and error by automating curve fitting.
– Systat TableCurve 3D 4.0.01 – TableCurve 3D is the first and only program that combines a powerful surface fitter with the ability to find the ideal equation to describe three dimensional empirical data.
– Systat 13.1 – SYSTAT is a powerful statistical analysis and graphics software package. Simplify your research and enhance your publications using SYSTAT´s comprehensive suite of statistical functions along with brilliant 2D and 3D charts and graphs

About Systat Software Inc.

Systat Software Inc is a pioneer in Statistical Data Analysis and Scientific Graphing. Our suite of products help researchers and engineers analyze their data, create precise plots and charts, develop publication-quality graphs and customize all analysis needs.

With over half a million users in Research Institutes, Universities and Commercial Laboratories worldwide, Systat Software is committed to providing the scientific community with the best of tools for powerful statistical analysis, advanced scientific graphing, automated curve & surface fitting, automated peak separation analysis and real time data analysis.

Name: Systat
Version: 2015 Suite
Home: www.sigmaplot.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 665.8 mb

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