
PTC Mathcad Prime

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PTC Mathcad 是业界标准的工程计算软件。

PTC Mathcad 将工程笔记本的易用性和为人熟悉性与专用的工程计算应用程序的强大功能结合在一起。它具有以文档为中心的所见即所得界面,用户无需学习新的编程语言就能求解、共享、重复使用和分析计算

PTC Mathcad Prime | 970.9 mb
Languages Supported: : English, 日本語, Français, Deutsch, Русский, Italiano,
Español, 한국어, Traditional 中文, Simplified 中文

The Team PTC Mathcad is pleased to announce the availability of Mathcad Prime This release introduces enhancements to the application, the symbolic and numeric engines, and to product usability that will make you more productive than ever.

What’s New in PTC Mathcad Prime
In this document, find topics introducing the enhancements in this release. Enhancements are categorized by functional area.

Application Enhancements
– Text Styles
– Gradient Operator
– Internal Links
Symbolic Engine Enhancements
– Symbolic Solving of ODEs
– Logarithmic Integral Functions
– Elliptic Integral Functions
– Symbolic Solve Block (find)
– Symbolic Assumption on Function
– Definite Integral with complex limits
– Improvement of Calculus Operators
– General keyword improvements
– General function improvements
Numeric Engine Enhancements
– PDESolve in Solve Block
– General function enhancements
Usability Enhancements
– Custom Color Picker
– Go-to Page
– Current Page Tooltip
– Math region to Text region conversion

PTC Mathcad Prime is the industry standard for engineering mathematics software, enabling you to solve your most complex problems, and share your engineering calculations. And with PTC Mathcad Prime 9, engineering calculations just got better. This release introduces enhancements to the application, the symbolic and numeric engines, and to product usability that will make you more productive than ever.

PTC enables global manufacturers to realize double-digit impact with software solutions that enable them to accelerate product and service innovation, improve operational efficiency, and increase workforce productivity. In combination with an extensive partner network, PTC provides customers flexibility in how its technology can be deployed to drive digital transformation – on premises, in the cloud, or via its pure SaaS platform. At PTC, we don’t just imagine a better world, we enable it.

Product: PTC Mathcad Prime
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.ptc.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 970.9 mb

PTC Mathcad Prime



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