
SideNotes 1.4.11 MacOS

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ideNotes 是一款基于 Mac 屏幕的隐藏式笔记管理软件,当然,这款软件属于一种“轻笔记”,不适合存储超大数量的笔记内容,只适合存放,寄存一些临时性的笔记内容,比如一些灵感诗句,网络文摘,代码片段,购买清单,待办事项,甚至是图片、文稿等文件也可以导入到里面。

File size: 17 MBВ

SideNotes keeps you from juggling with windows when searching for notes. The app always appears on top of other windows – you can easily hide it or pull it out from the side of your monitor with one click or with a keyboard shortcut. You can even use just your keyboard to work with your notes. Everything is in its place and you still have place for everything.

With SideNotes you can:
– smoothly pull out your notes from outside your monitor and easily hide them back
– mark notes with colors and group them into folders
– drag and drop pictures directly from your web browser
– save links, code snippets or even colors
– create task lists and mark items done
– create notes directly from the pasteboard
– drop text files or folders
– use 3 text formatting modes: Markdown, Plain Text and Code.

Supported Operation Systems:
macOS 10.14 or later 64-bit


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