
Abelssoft EverDoc 2023 8.03.46779 Multilingual

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Abelssoft EverDoc  是一款功能强大的文档管理软件。它可以轻松管理你的PDF、word文档等,并且可以备份到云端和自动提交到后台打印,减轻了你的工作负担。


PDF文件,图片或电子邮件 – 你现在可以方便地存档,你所需要的一切。





File size: 76 MB

PDFs, pictures or e-mails – you can now conveniently archive everything you need. Simply print the desired document and it will automatically be filed in the background without additional work, Quick and easy access to your documents via full text search and different sort methods (name, date, keyword), EverDoc includes the possibility to create and restore backups of your library. This way you can always keep your documents safe.

Keep track of your data
EverDoc manages all documents and formats in a convenient way: PDFs, pictures, e-mails, texts and other documents.

No easier way!
Regardless of the type – PDF, picture or mail – just print a document like you used to and EverDoc will archive and manage it automatically, without bothering you.
You want to skip printing completely? Just drag & drop documents directly into EverDoc. The most popular data formats like Word, PDF, Libre Office and OpenOffice are supported. Managing your files was never easier……….

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