
Astro Panel Pro 6.0.2

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一款作用在PS上的天文景观插件,集成了对风景图像,银河系,深空图像,白天和夜晚风景进行数字处理的高级功能,能够帮助你一件处理图像,快速简化图像内容优化图像色彩,利用这款 Astro Panel 软件,用户可以实时地管理图片的亮度和色彩,软件提供了多种对图片进行数字处理的高级功能,很适合用于风景、夜景、深空等多种类型的图片编辑,让用户轻松创造出优秀的效果,包含焦点叠加、夜间经典和多重曝光的图像融合技术,帮助用户一键处理图像。

Languages: Multilingual
File Size: 6.94 MB

Astro Panel is the most powerful plug-in for Adobe Photoshop CC that easy you the post production of Landscape, Cityscape, Nightscape, Milky Way, Startrail and Deep Sky images. Through this software and its ebook you will learn how to edit all your images, manage Luminosity, Color and Tonality Masks in real time and more, more and more.

Not just post production. Now the features of Fusion are part of Astro Panel. What came out is an all-in-one plug-in that will allow you to do anything in photography.

Do what Adobe Photoshop can’t do!
Astro Panel will allow you to merge images to create a beautiful silk effect, merge shots for startrails, perform deep sky stacking in an extremely fast way and with a revolutionary Dual Pass alignment algorithm specifically developed for star alignment and which allows their alignment with surprising accuracy and speed.

You can produce magnificent HDR photos of the deep sky from the stack of three image sets. With the latest updates we have introduced image fusion for focus stacking, classic HDR and HDR multi-exposure at night.

In Astro Panel you will not find the simple Adobe Photoshop image merger as in other plug-ins on the market. In fact, the code for joining the images was written from scratch to speed up the workflow even for less powerful PCs and times are halved compared to other stand-alone programs.

The Most Powerful Plug-in For Adobe Photoshop CC

Landscape Tools
With Astro Panel Pro you will find new features developed specifically for any type of photography. You will be able to process white balance and color tone with one click, remove digital noise and annoying hot pixels, increase image sharpness, recover shadows and highlights and manage many effects like Orton and Glow.

Astro Tools
Automatically or step by step change all the images of the milky way, deep sky or startrail. With the tools available you can enhance any detail, remove the stars in deep sky images or enhance the colors of your startrails.

Export Tools
Thanks to Astro Panel Pro you won’t waste time searching for hidden features in Adobe Photoshop CC. You will have in every tab you are using the main photographic adjustments, the brushes and the possibility of modifying in a click the opacity of the layers, the feather and the density of the brush selection mask.

Luminosity Masks
When the lights and shadows become difficult to handle, the Masks section comes in handy. This section is able to guarantee a rapid and constant workflow, allows you to select in real time all luminosity masks and is able to select all the highlights, shadows and midtones of the main colors.

Color Masks
With the Color Masks you can make the colors of your photos unique. With the real-time management of luminosity masks you can also manage the main colors. You can improve contrast, luminosity, saturation and vividness in no time by giving your photos perfect and balanced colors. Your photos will seem to come out of the monitor thanks to Astro Panel.

Quick Tools
Tools like Forward and Back, the Quick White Mask, Curve Level and Tonal Values, White Brush and Black Brush, Hue / Saturation and Color Balance have been optimized compared to the previous version.

The features of Fusion make Astro Panel unique in its kind. It is a concentrate of perfect technology for merging your images in Adobe Photoshop CC. There is no plug-in for Adobe Photoshop CC that allows you to merge images.

Stacking of Astro Images
Astro Panel allows you to add images of the Milky Way and the deep sky very quickly. You can also add dark, bias and flat and have custom options for star alignment. One of the most advanced features of Astro Panel is to merge up to 3 different exposures into one to achieve a dynamic range at night without equal.

What’s New compared to previous versions

We have changed a lot of things…
In addition to improving the entire product, we have implemented the following new features from Astro Panel 5

– Saturation for ever more vivid and perfect colours.
– Orton Pro unlike the classic Orton, this time you will have the possibility to customize the effect to your liking.
– Orton Sharp don’t you like the dream effect because it makes you lose detail? Our programmers have found the perfect solution to have a clean, crisp Orton effect that doesn’t spoil the details.
– Glow for a soft and decisive effect.
– Vignette for professional and advanced vignette.
– Rescue Highlights to recover the lights without creating artefacts.
– Rescue Shadows to recover the shadows without creating noise.
– Noise Reduction Shadows to reduce noise from the shadows.
– Noise Chrominance Reduction eliminates the chromatic noise contained in the image.
– Noise Reduction to reduce the digital noise present in the photo without losing important details.
– Refined Clarity to increase the clarity of our images
– Midtones Contrast to increase contrast in midtones.
– Astro Noise Reduction to reduce noise without affecting the haze.
– Astro Noise Luminance Reduction to reduce the luminance without creating artefacts.
– Astro Noise Chrominance Reduction to reduce chrominance without affecting haze
– Remove Green Cast to reduce the green cast typical in astrophotography.
– And more more and more…

System Requirements
Astro panel is only compatible with Adobe Photoshop CC from 2018 to 2023 version.


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