
91Vocals 2 Hearts – Bedroom DnB and Garage WAV-FANTASTiC

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91Vocals 2 Hearts - Bedroom DnB and Garage WAV-FANTASTiC screenshotFANTASTiC | 02 April 2024 | 722.96 MB

‘2 Hearts’ serves sweetness and bounce, pairing bubbly melodies and skippy drums indebted to late ‘90s and 2000s UK dance music. Y2K-era sounds and samples mixed with modern pop production and cool, breezy bedroom pop vocals. Diving deep into contemporary Drum and; Bass and Garage aesthetics, with sharp edges removed, creating a softer pop sound blending crisp 2-step drums, DIY guitars, reese bass, and iconic vocal chops.

All samples are handcrafted, from the sound design and melodies to the engineering and vocal production. Vocals are supplied with both wet and dry versions for maximum flexibility. Created by producer and sound designer Dokkodo Sounds, and featuring the distinctive voice of British singer-songwriter Ellie Price. Proudly presented by 91Vocals, all original and royalty-free.

As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use Ellie Price’s name, image, or likeness.

478 Samples


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