
Lights Out 2024.1 MacOS

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一款扩展节能器,能为您提供程序管理与定时休眠功能,可以为你的应用程序设置睡眠开启或关闭。让你随心随遇的控制软件的运行状态,并且Lights Out可以直接从Dock图标轻松控制系统睡眠状态。

File Size: 9 mb

Lights Out enables hot corners to put your Mac to sleep, or keep it awake. Lights Out can set sleep on or off for individual applications. Lights Out cures Energy Saver insomnia.

Many software packages, scanners, and peripherals can interfere with your Mac’s normal sleeping patterns. Lights Out offers a secondary idle timer to put your Mac to sleep even when Energy Saver fails to do so.

Lights Out gives you easy control and status of sytem sleep right from its Dock icon. Simple to configure, and simple to use, Lights Out makes no harmful changes to your system. Launch it and quit it just like any normal app!

Lights Out is Energy Saver’s Little Helper!

User definable hot spots for CPU sleep and never sleep.
Temporarily suspend CPU sleep for specified periods.
Easily switch sleep on and off.
Set sleep on or off for individual applications.
Application based for easy installation and stability.
Sandboxed for safety.
Apple Silicon native.
Simple to configure and use.

Requirements: Universal Binary requires OS X 10.10 or higher.


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