
LimitState RING x64

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x64 | File Size: 208 MB

LimitState:RING Industry Leading Masonry Arch Bridge Analysis Software.Trusted by major consulting engineers, bridge owners and universities across the world, LimitState:RING is the industry-leading software applicatin for rapid masonry arch analysis.

A Wide Range Of Bridge Analysis Applications

Single-span bridges
Use LimitState:RING for a quick and easy single-span highway or railway arch bridge analysis. Problems can contain stone voussoir or brickwork arch barrels, either bonded and multi-ring. A range of predefined and user-defined arch profiles are available.

Multi-span bridges
With LimitState:RING the critical mode of response is identified automatically, whether this involves one, two or more adjacent bridge spans. Unlike other masonry arch software, there is no need to manually balance thrusts at pierheads.

Railway bridges
LimitState:RING was developed in association with the International Union of Railways (UIC) and ships with a database of rail vehicles. Axle loads are distributed through track / sleepers in accordance with industry practice.

Damaged structures
With LimitState:RING you can incorporate bridge-specific details into your arch bridge analysis, including defects such as localized mortar loss and zones with differing material properties.

Multi-ring arches
Ring separation in a multi-ring masonry arch barrel adversely affects bridge load carrying capacity. LimitState:RING can model the effects of full or partial ring separation, and the associated combined sliding / hinging modes of response.

Bridge diagnostics
LimitState:RING includes the ability to impose support movements. This provides a powerful diagnostic tool for investigating the causes of observed cracks and also for investigating the behavior of masonry arch bridges under service loads.

Reinforced masonry arches
LimitState:RING allows masonry arch bridges incorporating reinforcement to be modelled. Moment, shear and normal force diagrams can be displayed to help users interpret the response of reinforced masonry arch bridges.

Software Benefits

Easy to use interface enables a bridge model with vehicle loading to be created in minutes, with analysis results typically available in seconds.

Rigorous optimization is used to find the critical mode of response and margin of safety, whether single-span arch or complex multi-ring, multi-span viaduct.

Developed by acknowledged experts in the field and validated against laboratory and field bridge tests.

LimitState RING (x64)

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