
Gillmeister Automatic PDF Processor 1.31.4

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一款高效PDF文件自动处理工具,具有可监控任意数量的文件夹、自动打印、重命名、移动、复制、拆分、PDF附件或摘录保存、移动新归档的PDF文件等实用功能,可以作为pdf自动打印管理软件使用,其中任意数量的文件夹监控功能,以便自动打印、重命名或移动传入的PDF文件到动态命名的文件夹,并以结构化方式存储PDF文件,除了内容之外,Automatic PDF Processor还可以使用PDF文档的许多元数据,例如在文件路径中包含发票信息,可以使用各种特定于配置文件的过滤器缩小要处理的PDF文件的范围,例如文档文本、PDF 元数据或一般文件信息以及创建或最后修改日期,并且包括过滤器设置、存储位置、打印机在内的所有设置都可以特定于配置文件,可以在配置文件中创建无限数量的提取规则,AutomaticPDFProcessor提取的数据可用于命名文件夹或文件名(经过可选验证和格式化后),并可保存为CSV文件,可以使用AutomaticPDFProcessor自动执行的另一项任务是从PDF文件中提取附件,例如将ZUGFeRD XML文件、XRechnung附件或类似文件作为PDF发票的一部分保存在同一文件夹中,最后呢从PDF文件的文本中提取数据的功能大家可以根据需要自行选择使用.

File size: 129.8 MB

With Automatic PDF Processor, PDF files can be processed automatically. Any number of folders can be monitored in order to automatically print, rename or move incoming PDF files to dynamically named folders. Numerous metadata of the PDF document can be used in addition to the content, for example to include invoice information in the file path. The PDF files to be processed can be narrowed down with various profile-specific filters – the document text, PDF metadata and general file information are available as filters.

Extraction of data from the text of PDF files is optional. An unlimited number of extraction rules can be created within a profile. The extracted data can be used (after optional validation and formatting) for naming folders or the file name, and can be saved as an extract in a CSV file. Another task that can be automated with the Automatic PDF Processor is the extraction of attachments from PDF files, for example to save ZUGFeRD XML files, XRechnung attachments or similar as part of a PDF invoice in the same folder.

Monitor any number of folders
Examine incoming PDF files and apply individual rules

Store PDF files in a structured manner
Automatically rename PDF files and save them in dynamically created folders

Print PDF files automatically
Send certain PDF documents directly to the printer (e.g., invoices or quotations)

Optional further processing
Perform subsequent tasks, e.g., run a program with the filename of the PDF file passed as parameter


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