
Waterloo Hydrogeologic Hydro GeoAnalyst 12.0

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Waterloo Hydrogeologic Hydro GeoAnalyst 12.0
Waterloo Hydrogeologic Hydro GeoAnalyst 12.0 | 316.8 mb

Waterloo Hydrogeologic, a division of Nova Metrix LLC, has released Hydro GeoAnalyst 12.0 , the latest version of our popular software application specifically designed for anyone working on hydrogeologic, geochemical, or environmental projects requiring the management, analysis, and reporting of environmental data. This release introduces new functionality and incorporates client feedback on improvements to make both the standard edition of HGA and the enhanced HGA+ edition even better.

Hydro GeoAnalyst is the all-in-one groundwater and environmental data management system that stores and organizes environmental data, and helps you quickly create comprehensive analytical results that are reliable and easy to understand. With Hydro GeoAnalyst, environmental professionals, geoscientists and government agencies have all the tools required to effectively and efficiently manage large volumes of data, and make informed decisions about environmental and water resources.

Waterloo Hydrogeologic Inc. was founded in 1989. The company’s line of business includes providing computer programming services. Woburn, MA March 13, 2015 – Nova Metrix LLC (“Nova Metrix”) is pleased to announce the acquisition of Schlumberger Water Services Technology Group, which is comprised of Van Essen Instruments (Diver Brand), Westbay Instruments, and Waterloo Hydrogeologic, which were formerly part of the water monitoring division of Schlumberger Water Services. Waterloo Hydrogeologic (currently operates under the legal name Nova Metrix Ground Monitoring (Canada), Ltd. Waterloo Hydrogeologic Division) continues to develop new programs to meet the advancing needs and technology requirements of the groundwater industry. We now offer four main software packages; Visual MODFLOW Flex, Hydro GeoAnalyst, AquaChem, and AquiferTest.

Owner: Waterloo Hydrogeologic
Product: Hydro GeoAnalyst
Version: 12.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.waterloohydrogeologic.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 316.8 mb



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