App Store上最好用的观星应用之一,大名鼎鼎的“星走”Star Walk开发商Vito Technology出品的Solar Walk!
Solar Walk功能强大,制作精良,打开应用后,你就能够体会到本作与其他观星应用在品质上的不同。玩家在App里可以自由查看“星系视图”,”卫星图”,还可以按照不同的地理位置查看可以观察到的太阳系行星方位。323MB的容量一点不含糊,全3D的星球与卫星(包括人造卫星)模型都十分逼真。
不过相比Star Walk,Solar Walk更像是一个互动性的太阳系知识科普应用,适合对天文感兴趣的小朋友与大朋友!
Solar Walk v3.0 | MacOSX | 809 MB
Solar Walk is a 3D Solar System model that enables you to navigate through space and time, observe all the planets in close-up, learn their trajectories, inner structure, history of their exploration, points of interest and more. Use 3D mode to get a more realistic experience! And zoom out to view and spin the entire Galaxy!
Solar Walk for Mac is a full-featured 3D solar system model that allows you to move between stars and planets with your mouse, zoom into check on the planets’ details and read accurate descriptions about them. You can zoom out to view the entire galaxy (well, at least through what’s known of this galaxy), see a planet’s inner structure and learn about its history of exploration. – Federico Viticci, MacStories
• GALAXY view – absolutely magical zoom out to view the whole galaxy option.
• SATELLITES – real-time trajectories of the most interesting artificial Earth’s satellites
• LOCATIONS – the biggest cities of the Earth, as well as sights of the Moon, Mars and Venus.
• MOVIES – explain basic physical phenomena
• INFO about all planets: general info, its name, its mass, radius, distance to the sun, internal structure with the picture and science missions.
• TIME MACHINE – slide the time scale and the sky will start moving accordingly. Tap year, month and time and change them depending on what you want to see, the display will adapt accordingly to show you how planets were aligned at that time.
Requirements – MacOSX 10.7 or Later
Home Page – http://vitotechnology.com/solar-walk.html
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