
SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.1.3 Win/Linux x64

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SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.1

SIMULIA Tosca Structure – 强大的结构无参数优化工具



SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.x  | 1.5G

Tosca Structure is the market leading technology for structural optimization based on industry standard FEA packages (ABAQUS, ANSYS, MSC NASTRAN). It allows for rapid and reliable design of lightweight, rigid and durable components and systems. Using topology optimization with Tosca Structure.topology you obtain optimal design proposals already during design concept. Specific detail improvements through shape and bead optimization respectively (with Tosca Structure.shape and Tosca Structure.bead respectively) make your designs ready for production. With Tosca Structure.sizing you find optimized sheet thicknesses even for large scale applications with up to millions of design variables. The result are designs with optimum relation between weight, stiffness and dynamic behavior.

DS SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.1.3

Name: SIMULIA TOSCA Structure
Version: (64bit) 8.1.3
Home: www.fe-design.de
Interface: english
OS: Windows / Linux
Size: 1.5 Gb

Special Thanks TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ

SIMULIA TOSCA Structure 8.1.3

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