
AVL Suite 2014.1 (Workspace Suite 2014.1)

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AVL Suite 2014.0 (Workspace Suite 2014.0)

AVL Workspace Suit作为动力总成开发过程中的组成部分,AVL是提供了一套全面的仿真工具, AVL Workspace Suite也是用于发动机优化分析软件,应用于汽车,引擎,发动机等等各方面的设计。

* AUTOSHAFT * AVL Excite * AVL Tycon * AVL Glide
* AVL Bricks * AVL Hydsim * AVL Boost * AVL TNG * AVL Impress

AVL FIRE Engine– 专业的发动机CFD软件

AVL FIRE General – 多用途热流体分析软件
FIRE通用模块是用于计算不可压和可压热流体流动问题的通用CFD软件包。可解决整车内外流包括发动机舱(underhood)和空调系统的空气动力学计算。针对外流,气动声学, 乘客舒适性分析以及挡风玻璃的化冰化雾等专业应用有专设的计算模板。


AVL BOOST -发动机热力循环分析软件

AVL EXCITE Power Unit – 发动机动力学和声学计算
EXCITE Power Unit是多体非线性受迫振动计算软件,以有限元模型为基础。能计算发动机各部件局部和整体的振动和相关的噪声。

AVL EXCITE Timing Drive – 配气机构计算

EXCITE Timing Drive是用于正时传动系、变速箱或齿轮箱等轴系和齿轮系动力学仿真计算的专用工具。可计算的正时系统包括:链传动、带传动、齿轮传动等。可进行凸轮型线设计、单个配气机构和发动机整个正时装置的动态模拟。

AVL Suite 2014.0 (Workspace Suite 2014.0)

AVL EXCITE Piston&Rings – 活塞副动力学、窜气量及机油消耗
EXCITE Piston&Rings是活塞和活塞环动力学分析工具。它可进行活塞和活塞环动力学分析并计算发动机的窜气量和机油消耗。

AVL EXCITE Designer – 曲轴组件的设计分析
EXCITE Designer以经典理论为基础,是发动机开发初期快速设计曲轴组件布置的一个理想工具。可进行轴系的荷载、扭振、强度分析,以及轴承分析。

AVL HYDSIM – 燃油喷射系统模拟软件

AVL CRUISE – 汽车整车模拟软件


AVL Suite 2014.1 (Workspace Suite 2014.1) | 4.3 Gb

AVL List GmbH, specializes in engine and powertrain development, announced the release of AVL Suite 2014.0 (Workspace Suite 2014.0). Powerful multi-dimensional simulation platforms developed on the basis of AVL’s engineering knowledge guide you to practical, application oriented solutions.

AVL is providing a set of comprehensive simulation tools in a flexible and open environment enabling multi-disciplinary solutions as integral part of your powertrain development process. Fully validated state-of-the-art physical simulation models embedded in application specific simulation methods enable virtual prototyping on component and system level for most efficient combination of simulation, design and testing.

The new software versions 2014 offer a lot of enhancements in pre- and post-processing as well as in the main programs and modules to further improve the functionality and performance of the software.

AVL Suite 2014.1 (Workspace Suite 2014.1)

The AVL Workspace embedded interface automates the creation of a workflow that contains any AVL Workspace tool (BOOST, EXCITE, FIRE, …) Rather than defining manually substitution and extraction rules of design variables and output results, the user sets up parameterization of the simulation model within the AVL Workspace Software and defines design outputs in the AVL Workspace Impress Chart. 

Thanks to the tight integration of Optimus with AVL Workspace, engineers setting up a model in AVL Workspace are able to generate an Optimus project right away. Through the design and variation interface (DVI), the corresponding Optimus simulation workflow is generated automatically. Design of Experiments (DOE), Response Surface Modeling (RSM) and (robust) design optimization can then be executed directly from Optimus. Optimus will automatically modify the AVL Workspace design parameters, generate and update the underlying files and extract the result outputs (scalar and vectors).

About AVL List GMbH

AVL List GmbH is the world’s largest private and independent company for the development of measuring and testing technology and drive systems with internal combustion engines. The company has approximately 2,500 employees. With a global presence of 45 AVL companies, AVL achieved total sales in 1999 of US$ 400 million.

Name: AVL
Version: 2014.1 Suite (Workspace Suite 2014.1)
Home: www.avl.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 4.3 Gb

AVL Suite 2014.1 (Workspace Suite 2014.1)

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