
7 Days To Die Alpha 11.1 Steam Edition X64 Cracked-3DM

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The Fun Pimps Entertainment 研发、新款开放式世界的僵尸恐怖生存游戏《七日杀(7 Days to Die)》正式在募资网站Kickstarter展开募资。

  The Fun Pimps Entertainment 表示,《七日杀》是款集合第一人称射击、恐怖生存、塔防与角色扮演要素于一身的开放世界游戏,他们希望能够集资20 万美元来进行游戏开发。他们表示,他们拥有很丰富的游戏开发经验,但团队太小,以致于目前无法来完成这款充满野心的作品,他们希望能够募资20 万美元,以便雇用更多的美术、动画与程式设计师,以便共同完成这款游戏。



Description: Building on survivalist and horror themes, players in 7 Days to Die can scavenge the abandoned cities of the buildable and destructible voxel world for supplies or explore the wilderness to gather raw materials to build their own tools, weapons, traps, fortifications and shelters. In coming updates these features will be expanded upon with even more depth and a wider variety of choices to survive the increasing dangers of the world. Play alone or with friends, run your own server or join others.

7 Days to Die development was launched following a successful Kickstarter campaign in August 2013, demonstrating the initial prototype. Joining us in early access now will help support the cause and ensure continued expansion of the development team, their efforts and the planning and addition of even more features and depth eagerly awaited by fans.

Many of our fans have commented in these early stages that they feel we are building the survivalzombie game they have always wanted. Our goal is to live up to this as much as we can and build a customizable, moddable game that allows users to fine tune their survival and zombie experience to create the experience players and their friends want.

Key Features

  • Random World Generation – Play Navezgane or roll the dice and dive back into the game with friends in a randomized world with huge cities, towns, rivers, lakes, mountains, valleys, roads and wilderness locations.
  • Create and Destroy – The world terrain, structures and items can be destroyed or scrapped for resources. Re-purpose collected materials to build custom structures and fortification by hand, placing building pieces into the world in real time.
  • Terrain Enhancement – The terrain is now both smooth and natural but can still be destroyed and mined.
  • Upgradable Fort Building – Player built structures are assembled from framework which can be upgraded supporting wood, cobblestone and concrete upgrade paths. Hammer away just like real building and use Land Claim blocks to protect your fort in PvP.
  • Structural Integrity – Buildings and terrain formations which are too unstable can fall apart if proper supports are not built. Some building materials are stronger than others and pieces which break off and fall can be dangerous or deadly if they fall on you or enemies.
  • Item Crafting & Degradation – With a continually growing list of over 250 recipes, gather resources such as plant fibers, wood and metal to create weapons and tools such as hand made crossbows, knives and hammers. As your tools wear out over time, use your crafting skills to repair them.
  • Plants and Animals – Locate seeds to plant and grow vegetables, and head out into the wilderness to hunt animals once the cabinets in abandoned buildings are already plundered.
  • Stealth System – Sneak past zombies who can see, hear and smell you and smelly items in your inventory and throw rocks to distract them.
  • Buff/Debuff System – Enjoy or deal with a multitude of buffs or debuffs like a caffeine buzz or a broken leg in our rapidly growing Buff/Debuff System with over a dozen boosts or ailments.
  • Cooperative Mode – Tired of zombie apocalypses that are more about fighting humans than zombies? Team up with your friends to work with other survivors rather than against them, using group efforts to build settlements and safety.
  • Character Customization – Full Character creation system with face/body morphing, custom skin, eye, hair color, facial hair and a multitude of visible clothing and armor.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Early Access
Publisher: The Fun Pimps
Developer: The Fun Pimps Entertainment LLC

Release Name: 7.Days.To.Die.Alpha.11.1.Steam.Edition.X64.Cracked-3DM
Size: 830MB

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