1. 具有新建向导,指导您一步一步创建屏保;
2. 管理您系统中的屏保,包括那些非屏保专家制作的屏保;
3. 制作自安装屏保程序,方便发布;
4. 制作半透明屏保;
5. 直接打开屏保文件来编辑,无需其它文件(如常用的工程文件)支持;
6. 编辑过程中随时重新设置屏保属性;
7. 可设置所生成的屏保编辑权限的口令;
8. 可设置屏保的版权信息;
9. 直接从数码相机或扫描仪获取图片,无需倒腾文件;
10. 可随机或顺序播放图片及Flash,多种图片显示特效;
11. 内嵌图片编辑器,无需其它软件即可直接编辑图片,实现翻转、旋转、缩放、剪裁、颜色调整等轻而易举;
12. 添加背景音乐,支持您的Windows系统可播放的任何音乐格式,如wav、midi、mp3、wma等;
13. 可实现保存前立即预览;
14. 迅速安装屏保,用电子邮件发送屏保,为屏保创建快捷方式;
15. 多国语言支持,运行时可随时更换所使用的语言,所创建的屏保也将使用您所使用的语言设置;
16. 支持拖放操作等。
!Easy ScreenSaver Station is a powerful and easy-to-use ScreenSaver tool software for Windows to create ScreenSaver and manage ScreenSavers. You can compile images, Flash movies and music files into a single standard or self-installing ScreenSaver file in no time. Maybe you have downloaded enough free ScreenSavers from the Internet. Do you think it a good idea to create ScreenSaver from image files or your own photos in your digital camera, even some cool Flash movies and background music? Do you need a tool software to manage all the ScreenSavers in your system? You can create ScreenSaver and manage your creations with our product !Easy ScreenSaver Station now. It’s easy and fun.
Key Features of !Easy ScreenSaver Station
Create your own ScreenSaver with the New Wizard step by step;
Make and distribute standard or self-installing ScreenSavers easily from images(jpg/png/bmp), Macromedia Flash(swf) movies and popular formats(mp3/wma/wav/midi…) of audio files;
Make translucid ScreenSavers so that you can still view your desktop while your ScreenSaver is running;
Open and edit your ScreenSaver file directly, so that you do not have to save a separate project file;
Acquire photos form digital camera/scanner directly;
Play images or Flash movies randomly or in a specified order with animated transitional effects;
Edit your images to mirror, rotate, crop, resize images, or adjust the colors;
Show your images or Flash movies as LOGO throughout the running period of your ScreenSaver;
Add labels as title, description, etc. into your ScreenSaver;
Set password to protect your creations;
Set Icon for your ScreenSaver;
Preview your creation before saving;
Distribute shareware ScreenSavers, and generate your own registration codes for them;
Create ScreenSaver Data(.SSD) files for integrated SCR Player;
Install, create shortcut, or e-mail your ScreenSaver;
Manage your ScreenSavers to run, install or config one easily;
Activate your ScreenSaver instantly;
Set an image as wallpaper in !Easy ScreenSaver Station and your creations;
Multi languages are supported. You can translate yourself, and your creations will be in the defined language;
Drag and Drop operations are supported and more.
OS : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Language : Multilingual
Home Page – http://www.dd2002.com/
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