
CST Studio Suite 2016 SP1

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计算机仿真技术公司(CST)欣然宣布2016年版其旗舰的电磁仿真软件CST STUDIO SUITE。 CST STUDIO SUITE 2016多年的研究和发展,包括在各个层面的改进和创新,从优化求解技术新的功能区为基础的GUI。 这些进步提升CST STUDIO套件的性能,易用性和多功能性,毫不妥协,并引导您轻松通过复杂的电磁系统。 

CST STUDIO SUITE被广泛应用在通信和电子医疗保健和航空等领域工作的工程师,帮助他们电磁现象的建模和评估他们的设计,以获得最佳性能。 结合高频和低频模拟工具以及专门求解器的应用,如印刷电路板,电缆和带电粒子设备,可以应用到许多典型的工程任务,如EMC / EMI评估,SI和PI的分析,设计CST Studio套件优化,天线及滤波器的调谐。

最明显的提高在2016年的版本是基于色带的用户界面。 功能区集中在标准模拟工作流程,领导工程师设置和建模仿真和后处理。 色带补充新的功能,包括项目向导和快速入门指南,编制和配置简单的一个新项目的过程中。

这些变化,幕后的技术改进。 通过科与英特尔的密切合作,求解器代码进行了优化,提高性能的最新一代处理器。

为了提高软件的通用性,CST STUDIO SUITE还包括全新的分析工具,,如汽缸扫描和范围配置正弦。 这些扩大,该软件可以被用于应用程序的数量,并允许它很容易插槽成许多不同的工作流程。

CST Studio Suite 2016 SP1 | 3.8 Gb

Computer Simulation Technology (CST) announces the update of the 2016 version of the electromagnetic simulation tool, CST STUDIO SUITE. The latest edition has been developed to both extend the capabilities of the software and to improve its foundations.

CST STUDIO SUITE is an EM simulation software package containing solvers for applications across the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as multiphysics and particle applications. All of its tools are available within a single graphical user interface with strong integration between them. Engineers and researchers in a wide range of industries use CST STUDIO SUITE to develop new ideas, optimize their products, and ensure standards compliance.The 2016 release of CST STUDIO SUITE packs in a number of new features that allow simulation to be used in new ways in the design process.

The Integral Equation Solver (I-solver) now includes Characteristic Mode Analysis (CMA), a method for investigating the behavior of a radiating structure by calculating the current modes that it can support. The primary benefit of CMA is that it gives engineers a better physical understanding which allows them to improve the antenna design or to develop new antenna concepts.

With the new transient combine results feature, the coupling of fullwave 3D field solvers with the circuit simulation reaches a new level of integration. It allows the visualization of field and currents form a circuit connected to the 3D model even considering non-linear and switching elements on the schematic. This is particularly useful in EMC simulation of switched devices for example in the power electronics industry.

The new moving mesh technology allows an existing tetrahedral volume mesh to be adjusted without changing its topology to fit the new structure when parameters are changed. This saves time and reduces the noise associated with changes in mesh topology, allowing much more accurate optimization of devices whose behavior is sensitive to small geometric changes, e.g. of filters.

Highlights of CST STUDIO SUITE 2016: 2016_3_CST_S2_Shipping.pdf
CST Studio Suite 2016 SP1CST Studio Suite 2016 SP1

About CST

Founded in 1992, CST offers the market’s widest range of 3D electromagnetic field simulation tools through a global network of sales and support staff and representatives. CST develops CST STUDIO SUITE, a package of high-performance software for the simulation of electromagnetic fields in all frequency bands, and also sells and supports complementary third-party products. Its success is based on combination of leading edge technology, a user-friendly interface and knowledgeable support staff. CST’s customers are market leaders in industries as diverse as telecommunications, defense, automotive, electronics and healthcare. Today, the company enjoys a leading position in the high-frequency 3D EM simulation market and employs 240 sales, development, and support personnel around the world.

CST STUDIO SUITE is the culmination of many years of research and development into the most accurate and efficient computational solutions for electromagnetic designs. From static to optical, and from the nanoscale to the electrically large, CST STUDIO SUITE includes tools for the design, simulation and optimization of a wide range of devices. Analysis is not limited to pure EM, but can also include thermal and mechanical effects and circuit simulation. CST STUDIO SUITE can offer considerable product to market advantages such as shorter development cycles, virtual prototyping before physical trials, and optimization instead of experimentation.

Name: CST Studio
Version: Suite 2016 SP1
Home: http://www.cst.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8
Size: 3.8 Gb

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