.MP4, AVC, 1145 kbps, 1280×720 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 3.5 hours | + TIF, JPG | 3.26 GB
Instructor: Jimmy McIntyre
Is It Time For Your HDRs To Be Wowing Audiences?
Create stunning images that will grip your audience
Master Photomatix to make your HDRs pop!
Create powerfully realistic & surreal images
Gain a large audience of eager followers
Instantly download videos to watch any time
Work at your own pace
Learn the techniques of Jimmy McIntyre, experienced photographer and trainer
Work through 10 full workflows with the original files
You will learn to…
Create stunning HDR imagery
Control halos
Control noise
Remove ghosts
Make your images pop
Create beautiful interior shots
Create realistic HDR
Create surreal HDR
Understand how to use light to create mood in your images
Remove Chromatic Aberration
Use Layer masks
Add a few extra tricks to your photos to give them a kick
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