
IS Defense-CODEX

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作为极端恐怖组织,ISIS已经成为世界公敌,虽然平常我们只能脑补与恐怖组织对抗的画面,但是在《IS防守(IS Defense)》这款游戏中,玩家就能跟ISIS一决胜负。《IS防守》的背景设定在2020年,ISIS已经急速扩张,并拥有了更加强大的武器,占领了整个北非,现在,他们正准备入侵欧洲。而玩家将作为NATO(北大西洋公约组织)的一名士兵,在IS的各个登陆地点架设机枪来进行防守,并且可以通过呼叫NATO的各种部队来协助作战。

IS Defense” is a game set in politically-fictional 2020 – where the expansion of ISIS went out of hand. They took over all of Northern Africa, spreading their genocidal understanding of the world’s order. Strongly armed, vast in numbers and prepared for everything, the Islamic State is launching the invasion upon Europe, over the entire Mediterranean Sea.

The player takes the role of NATO’s stationary machine-gun operator, deployed to defend the shores of Europe. His task is to blast as many of the invaders as possible, until his glorious death. To do so, he has NATO support forces, his Machinegun and Rocket Launcher at his disposal. During the progress of this heroic defense, he gets the opportunities to upgrade his gear, his body and army rank – which affects the efficiency of the called support.

This game is our small side-project and is our personal veto against what is happening in the Middle East nowadays. As well as an attempt at resurrecting a pretty dead genre of games like „Operation Wolf” or „Beach Head” – in a state of the art, modern adaptation.

Publisher: Destructive Creations
Developer: Destructive Creations
Genre: Action, Indie

Release name: IS.Defense-CODEX
Size : 1.17 GB
Links: SteamNFO

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