这是一款macOS平台的日志监控查看工具,很多程序 Tomcat JBoss MQ 运行时会输出日志文件,但是每次需要重新打开日志文件才能看到最新的日志信息,太不方便了,而且有时候想同时监控多个日志文件 并且横向比较 那工作量简直,深受其苦后 本人决定解决这个问题 于是编写这个小程序 通过这个程序 我们可以实时监控多个日志文件,并且平铺排列它们以便比较
LogTail is an OS X app to view and monitor local and remote log files on linux servers (using SSH) or any plain text file.
It reads log files and outputs their contents as they change, and can follow or “tail” the file in a way similar to the Unix ‘tail’ utility (tail -f)
LogTail is helpful in monitoring application and system log files which are updated constantly at runtime.
It allows you to set up filter and highlight rules that can be used to hide or colorize lines with matching search terms. This allows you to focus on the important data in your log files! You can also enable notifications to be alerted when matching text is found in the log file.
In addition you can:
Manage and browse remote SSH server hosts
Bookmark and Search remote log files
Share local log files as Mail message attachment or Messages instant message (or via AirDrop or add to Notes (Sharing toolbar item))
What’s New in Version 2.9
Support symbolic links when browsing remote folders
Apply Filter/highlight rules to hidden lines as well
Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor
Home Page – https://itunes.apple.com/app/logtail/id1073404370
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