
ProgeSOFT progeCAD 2018 Pro 18.0.8 x86/x64

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ProgeSOFT progeCAD 2018 Pro (x64)

ProgeCAD是PROGESOFT公司出品的一款完整支持2D/3D的CAD软件。以最新的IntelliCAD 6为引擎,其包含了大量非常重要的新特征和质的提高,更方便为客户提供空前的稳定性和速度。它是第一款专注于提高速度设计的软件,例如针对visualization purposes处理,最快可以比以前的版本快80%左右,支持CTB文件的打印,无需任何转换的支持DWG文件,针对AUTOCAD系列提供了全新的更加便捷的GUI支持。

ProgeSOFT progeCAD 2018 Pro 18.x (x64) | 530 Mb

progeCAD, is an AutoCAD® compatible 2D/3D CAD application that works with AutoCAD® DWG files from AutoCAD® 2.5 through AutoCAD® 2018! The best solution for AEC, MCAD and all generic CAD usages. progeCAD’s original format DWG ensures complete compatibility with AutoCAD® WITHOUT ANY FILE CONVERSION and without loosing any critical information. progeCAD lets you export drawing files both in DWG and DXF drawing file formats.

progeCAD offers the interface complete with the “AutoCAD® – Like” Classic icon and Ribbon menus and “AutoCAD® – Like” commands.
progeCAD Professional is general-purpose 2D and 3D design software useful for CAD field & concept sketch. It offers very high compatibility with AutoCAD® and Direct Modeling in native .dwg. progeCAD is so much more than an alternative! progeCAD offers more CAD functions than AutoCAD® LT at a fractional price to AutoCAD®, ArchiCAD® or Microstation®.

progeCAD 2018 new features
DWG 2018 support
Opens AutoCAD® 2018 DWG drawings
New Render engine based on Artisan
New integration with Artisan Renderer (free included). The Render allows you to create a photorealistic image of your model quickly using a wide range of pre-set materials and lighting setups combined with the ability to create custom lights and realistic materials.
New commands to import SHAPE (ESRI) files with geometry and its attributes into DWG drawings.
Superhatch Command
Create hatch patterns from images, blocks, external references (xrefs) and wipeouts
In-place Editor for Text and Multiline Text
The new multiline text editor allows you to edit multiline text in place. However, not all multiline text features are implemented in the new editor.
PDF Print with Layers
Create high quality PDF files from drawings (with layers!). progeCAD Professional prints PDF files with the same Layer structure of a drawing. The layers can be set on/off in the PDF document using Adobe Reader.
Improved PDF Export
Export to 2D .pdf files now includes new compression modes, image clipping and gradient hatches
Improved PointCloud import (.pcg, .isd, .xyz, .ply, .las, .laz)
Perspective image correction
Thanks to the new plugin, photos insertion is easy and intuitive, with the ability to correct their perspective through the multi-point system.
New Array dialog
XREF and Locked layers Fading
Controls the dimming for Xref entities and entities on locked layers
Fade control with RefEdit command
Now progeCAD supports the XFADECTL system variable, controls the amount of fading within a reference being edited in place.
New interface for RefEdit command
3D Connection SpaceMouse support
progeCAD now supports the 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse. The 3D Mouse allows to simultaneously pan, zoom and rotate models while selecting with your traditional mouse. This unique two-handed workflow makes design work more comfortable and efficient.
Click on Options in Command line
String options on the command line can be selected with the mouse.
Maximixe Viewport
The command allow to maximize and minimize Viewports. With this command you temporarily expand the current Viewport to Model Space and when you go back to Paper Space the position and the scale of the objects in the Layout viewport remain unchanged.
Default Layers
Predefined layers for dimensions and hatches
Hatch Transparency
Define the level of transparency for new hatches.
3D solids Sub Entity selection
Selection of Faces and Edges on 3D objects with the CTRL button and click.
The command brings all texts to the front.
Improved compatibility with Microstation files Directly open your DGN files
Import & Open new Microstation file formats (.dgnlib,.rdl,.cel)
Object Snap on Underlay files (PDF, DWF and DGN)
Improved Underlay objects:
For .pdf, dwg, and .dgn underlays, new support includes monochrome, fade, background color adjust, show, and show clipped properties
Lock the location for Floating or Docked Toolbars
Contextual Ribbons for Text, Multiline Text, Image entities and the Refedit command
Pin Lock for Ribbon panel
Workspaces options management
ISOLATEOBJECTS temporarily hides the display of all entities except those you select. The entities are displayed in the current view. All other entities are temporarily hidden. HIDEOBJECTS temporarily hides selected objects in the current view. All other objects are visible. UNISOLATEOBJECTS displays entities previously hidden with ISOLATEOBJECTS or HIDEOBJECTS
Possible to associate a Default Template to the QNEW command
New CACHEFILES will externally cache layout data to enhance layout switching performance and memory usage
The new command for editing single block instances
CENTERMARK command (Express)
Controls the dimming for all DWG Xref entities.
Add Slope linetypes for topographic drawings (Express)
Improve LOFT command
Rename Command
The new Rename command with an advanced interface
Improved ETRANSMIT command
DIMBREAK command
Breaks or restores dimension and extension lines where they cross other entities


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