
ONEKEY PDF Convert to Word 4.0

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ONEKEY PDF Convert to Word是一款多功能的PDF转换工具,可以将PDF格式的文档转换为高质量的DOC文档,该转换工具不需要安装Adobe Acrobat,Acrobat Reader等第三方组件,只需要载入文档选择设置转换参数就可以进行转换操作了,同时还拥有自定义转换、批量转换以及加密转换的特点。



轻松转换您的PDF文件到MS Word文档,您只需点击转换器按钮即可,不需要安装第三方组件。







Languages: English | File Size: 26.82 MB

ONEKEY PDF Convert to Word is a powerful and easy-to-use software for intelligently converting pdf to easily editable word doc documents. With this software, simply drag and drop pdf files to the workspace, and then you can start the conversion. It does not require Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat Reader or any other third-party PDF reader or maker. All elements in pdfdocument are precisely replicated in the new document, including original text style, images, graphics, tables, hyperlinks, layout and formatting.

Reuse PDF Easily
Easily convert your PDF files to MS Word Document, you need simply to click on Converter button. It works without Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

Original Layouts And Formats
All elements in PDF document are precisely replicated in the new document, including original text style, images, graphics, tables, hyperlinks, layout and formatting.

Supports Batch Conversion
Automate the conversion of hundreds of PDF documents. No need to manually supervise the process either. Just set up your queue, specify your output format, click on Convert.

Supports Several Languages
Supports almost all of the major languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Chinese Traditional, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic,Turkish etc.

Partial Conversion
Select a range of pages for flexible partial conversion option to save your precious time and fully meet your needs.

Supports Password protected PDF
Convert encrypted PDF files that are protected by owner (permission) password denying printing, editing, and copying to Word documents.

– May include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

System Requirements:
– Windows 10 32/64 bit
– Windows 8 32/64 bit
– Windows 7 32/64 bit
– Windows Vista 32/64 bit
– Windows XP 32/64 bit


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