
Keysight Genesys 2020 x64

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Keysight Genesys 2020 射频和微波设计软件

对于射频/微波电路板和子系统设计人员来说,Genesys 是一款易学易用、经济高效的集成电子设计自动化软件。已经有 5000 位设计人员使用了该软件,并对其给予了很高的评价,这证明它是一项安全的投资。Genesys 在采用的第一年就通过节约的成本让客户收回投资。由于设计人员的需求远远超出射频电路板的应用范围,是德将为购买先进设计系统(ADS)软件的客户提供全款换购,以便进行 MMIC 和多重技术射频系统封装模块设计。

Genesys 的主要优势

  • 最快的系统结构和频率规划工具,以及行业内最全面的射频/微波电路合成功能,可以将手动设计时间由数小时缩短到几分钟。

File size: 1.98 GB
Genesys – software for designing high-quality and microwave devices

Keysight’s Genesys software is an affordable, easy-to-use, high-performance design tool designed for high-end and microwave developers of boards and modules. More than 5,000 users can confirm the economic effectiveness of the package. Genesys software pays off in the first year of operation, eliminating the need for unnecessary stages of prototyping due to the precise automated synthesis of circuits.

The main benefits of CAD Genesys
The industry’s widest set of tools for automated synthesis of high-heat/microwave filters, circuits and alignment chains
System simulations and frequency planning to analyze the root causes of problems
Linear and non-linear circuit simulators of high-range chains with the ability to optimize the parameters of the scheme and statistical analysis of the output of suitable products
3D-planar electromagnetic simulator, which allows you to analyze the topology of circuit boards and planar antennas before manufacturing
Much cheaper and more functional than competitive products



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