Building on the popularity and usefulness of Texture Toolkit 1 – and all of its successors – we decided to take the Texture Toolkit product line back to the essentials with Texture Toolkit Collection 6: The Essentials 2. These 650 super high-resolution textures are a unique collection consisting of any style you could ever want in a texture. From subtle and sophisticated to fun, funky patterns, this collection has it all! So no matter what look or feel you want in your projects, there will always be a texture to help you out.
If you’ve ever looked at a blank canvas in Photoshop, After Effects, or even in PowerPoint or your video editor, and not known what to do or where to start, the textures in Texture Toolkit 6 were created just for you. Delivered at a maximum resolution of 4000 x 4000 pixels, most of these textures are seamless in all directions and many have a built in alpha so they can be layered on top of images or video for unique effects.
Good textures – particularly high resolution and seamless textures – are hard to find. These long misunderstood workhorses of the creative industry are an essential tool when working with photos, illustrations, videos and animations of any kind. They can be used as a subtle accent or to add a striking backdrop for a hero element – but they are rarely the star of the show. Their main job is to add context and subtext to your creations. Textures can create a mood without saying a word and the right texture can make a simple photo more dramatic or add a weather-beaten look to something shiny and new. The realistic feel of the textures in this new collection will help you build an illusion of tactile reality for your work and will add a unique look and feel to anything you create.
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