
WM Capture 9.2.1

Windows dsgsd 211浏览 0评论

WM Capture 是唯一的PC视频录制软件–可以捕捉任何视频在线而且具有完善的质量-如果你想以后看它而且你可以将它保存。它记录的视频从任何网站,不论格式。它甚至记录电脑上DVD的播放。因为它不规避或破解DRM (数字版权管理)或任何版权保护技术,它100 %适应世界各地的法律。


与其他屏幕视频捕捉程序,WM Capture 采用独特的高速捕捉技术创造一个近乎完美的Copy在你看到屏幕上,播放的Windows媒体视频文件。或者,您可以使用我们的专有的MPEG – 2编解码器,那样它就更具有出色的图像质量超轻松使用。


File size: 73 MB

WM Capture is the only PC video recording program that captures video from any online source with perfect quality. If you can watch it you can save it. Record video from ANY Web site, regardless of format. You can even record DVDs playing on your PC. And because it does not circumvent or hack DRM (Digital Rights Management) or any copy protection technology, it’s 100% legal world-wide.

For chat or webcam sessions, you can capture just the video, or the video and comments as a single video. And because you’re recording from your screen, it’s completely anonymous and undetectable……….


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