
Stereo Tool 9.50 Multilingual

Windows dsgsd 163浏览 0评论

Standalone only | File size: 53.8 MB

Stereo tool is a software-based audio processor which offers outstanding audio quality and comes with many unique features. It is used by over 1500 FM stations ranging from small local stations to 50-100 kW stations and nation-wide networks with dozens of transmitters, thousands of streaming stations and many DAB+, HD, AM and TV stations. It can be used for both live and file based processing.

Stereo Tool can make recordings sound equal and consistent in volume and sound color, bring out the details, and increase existing stereo effects. It can repair ‘broken’ stereo images which often occur on cassette tapes, vinyl and cheap CD’s, which normally causes havoc when playing it on a mono system, headphones or a system which includes a stereo widener.

Special support (not free) is included for radio stations: Much louder output levels, FM pre-emphasis, stereo coding and RDS coding for FM stations, and protection of highs against distortion caused by lossy compression for web radio stations. The processing latency can be reduced as low as 12 ms, at the cost of reduced fidelity. At the maximum quality the processing latency is 93 ms.

Winamp plug-in version
Intended for Winamp, SAM Broadcaster, RadioBOSS, MediaMonkey, AIMP and other applications that support Winamp DSP plug-ins.

Stand alone version
Sound card input to sound card output. Intended mainly for FM radio stations which process external (live) feeds.


– Repairs clipped audio
– Removes distortion, restores dynamics
– Also used by police forensics labs

Improves the sound of MPEG2/MP3 style lossy compressed files

Removes unwanted constant sounds, such as a 50/60 Hz hum from bad cables

Spectrum control:
Non-compressing spectrum equalization

– Wideband AGC
– Two multiband compressors, 2-9 bands
– Wideband compressor
– Low level boost for classical music

Stereo widening:
Choice of multiple stereo wideners

Loud & clean!:
Upto 140% audio level at 100% modulation
Gives 2-3 dB extra headroom for highs
Be the loudest and cleanest station on the dial!

Controls RF bandwidth to avoid reception problems
Compatible with all receivers
Stations report upto 30 km bigger reception area

Stereo / rds:
Built-in stereo and RDS encoder
RT+ and remote control support

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链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cm7aw4tQy3Z2-KlV3c9llQ 提取码: a8xw

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