
Child of Light XBLA XBOX360-LiGHTFORCE

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Ubisoft在法国巴黎独立举办的Digital Days发表会上,正式公开即将在2014年于本世代、次世代主机与PC推出数位下载游戏新作《光明之子(暂译,Child of Light)》,由Ubisoft蒙特娄工作室资深开发者所组成的小型团队所打造,带来唯美风格的角色扮演冒险。《光明之子》采用最初运用在《雷曼:起源》的UbiArt框架引擎打造,一款能使程式设计师与艺术家将美术作品汇入游戏世界中化为真实可游玩关卡的强大引擎,感受仿佛置身于美轮美奂的互动画作之中的游玩体验。《光明之子》重新想像经典童话故事,邀请玩家踏进魔幻彩绘国度「雷姆利亚(Lemuria)」的史诗历险。玩家将参与启发自日式RPG的回合制战斗,探索奇幻王国并解开其中的谜团。游戏中玩家将扮演欧若拉(Aurora),一位被迫离家的孩子,为了踏上回家的路,她必须从神秘的夜之女王手中找回太阳、月亮和星星。身旁伴随着萤火虫伙伴「微光(Igniculus)」和几位不大可靠的盟友,欧若拉将要面对最阴暗的恐惧、包含巨龙和其他奇幻生物,一切尽在这部以现代风格呈现的成长故事中。Ubisoft的强项在于其公司内部的多样性以及赋予游戏创作团队的自由度」,Ubisoft 创意总监派崔克‧ 普鲁尔德(Patrick Plourde)表示:「我们希望《Child of Light》能成为一部具有游玩性的美丽诗画,一封我们献给艺术与电玩游戏的情书」。


Stardust Pack
Dark Pack
Faceted Oculi Pack
The Golem’s Plight Pack
Light Pack
Rough Oculi Pack
Tumbled Oculi Pack

Description: Envisioned as a “playable poem” by its creators, Child of Light is a modern reimagining of our childhood fairy tales.

Set in the magical world of Lemuria, Child of Light takes us on the coming-of-age journey of Aurora, a young girl struggling to save a lost kingdom and her ailing father.

The daughter of the Duke of Carniola is transported to Lemuria, a mysterious world that needs her help. Identified as the Child of Light and granted the power of flight, she takes on the minions of Lemuria’s Dark Queen in her quest to recover the sun, the moon, and the stars to return home. Along the way she’ll discover that her destiny may be far greater than she ever dreamed.

“Beware the night, Child of Light.”

Level up to upgrade your stats and use your skill points to unlock unique abilities for your character and your party members.

A deep crafting system allows you to combine gems to improve your sword, talisman, and armor abilities.

Each game has a unique gem profile, meaning that gems common in one player’s game are rare in another’s and vice versa, encouraging the community to trade gems with friends.


  • A Playable PoemIn an homage to The Golden Age of Illustration (Arthur Rackham and Gustave Doré), Child of Light invites you to discover a forgotten kingdom skillfully hand drawn and beautifully rendered with watercolor thanks to the UbiArt Engine.Complemented with a story carefully crafted in verse and rhyme, and an original soundtrack by composer Cœur de pirate, the breathtaking scenery of Lemuria extends an invitation to explore a long-lost world.
  • The Rich World of LemuriaAcross your journey through Lemuria you will encounter many eccentric creatures, from spirits of the forest, talking mice, wicked witches, and evil sea serpents. Discover a vast land with iconic locations and exciting dungeons that will evolve as Aurora regains the stolen lights.
  • Classic RPG Turn-Based CombatChild of Light utilizes an Active-Time Battle System, allowing you to fight alongside the firefly Igniculus and other members of Aurora’s party.
  • Solve Puzzles and Search for MysteriesUsing the power of light, Aurora and Igniculus must work together to solve puzzles involving shadows and movable objects.

Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Genre: Role-Playing

Release Name: Child.of.Light.XBLA.XBOX360-LiGHTFORCE
Size: 1.42 GB
Links: IGNGamespotNFO

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