Lynda – WordPress Plugins: Backing Up Your Site | 149MB
IT pros say, “Nobody wants a backup; everybody wants a restore.” But the truth is backups are critical to getting your WordPress site running again when it’s broken or, even worse, hacked. So in this course, lynda.com staff author Morten Rand-Hendriksen introduces two different plugins to add automatic backup routines to your WordPress site, Backup to Dropbox and BackWPup, and shows how to use these backups to restore your site to a stable state. Devote an hour to learning how to start backing up your WordPress data now, and save countless time and worry later.
Topics include:
* Installing and activating Backup to Dropbox
* Setting up automatic backups
* Accessing backups from Dropbox
* Creating a custom backup job with BackWPup
* Restoring your WordPress site from a backup
http://rg.to/file/ce64ffab0054e4340155248ea9bfc92d/LcWPPluginsBackUpYourSite.rar.htmlDownload uploaded
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