
GunHound Ex Cracked-3DM

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本作为一款以1990年代游戏风格为特征,让玩家们在2D画面的关卡舞台上来进行攻略战斗的机器人动作游戏,也是一款将Dracue Software公司所开发的移植版本作品。在本次游戏模式方面,除了有邀请众多豪华声优阵容参与演出的「故事模式」(Story mode),借此让游戏内容大幅提升之外,同时官方还特地邀请之前曾经制作「闪电出击V」(Thunder Force V)音乐的「九十九百太郎」负责本作音乐演出,加上原本由「恶魔城」系列的「山下绢代」所制作的PC版音乐,将带给玩家们盛大的音乐演出飨宴。


Description: Gunhound EX is the PC version of the cult PSP mech action release that pits players’ armored Gunhound mechs against scores of mechanized military foes. In the search for a new renewable resource, humanity has discovered a powerful new one: neutron polymer. Integral to the expansion of modern society, alliances form and shatter as countries jockey to get their hands on the resource. A small southeast Asian nation is in the throes of civil war, but its concentrated deposits of neutron polymer are about to make the conflict a worldwide affair.


Publisher: Active Gaming Media, Inc.
Developer: Dracue, Co. ltd
Genre: Action, Indie

Release name: GunHound.Ex.Cracked-3DM
Size: 466 MB

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