
Reallusion iClone 5.51 + Resource Pack

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Reallusion iClone 5.5 Pro with Resource Pack

iClone5 即时 3D 动画技术,让您快速设计创造数位角色、场景环境、视觉效果及体感动态捕捉。轻鬆拖放、编辑丰富多元的即时 3D 内容物件。新增强大物理引擎让物件互动更顺畅。
现在就立即体验 iClone5 全功能虚拟製片厂的革新 3D 动画技术!

iClone 5.5 让角色动画全面串联!新增 MotionPlus 格式让您轻鬆将脸部、身体、配件、弹性与约束资料全数一次存取為单一 MotionPlus 档,可进而快速重复套用至其他角色。此外更可直接在 iClone 内利用高度图地形自订您的场景!

新增:官方正式释出 iClone 64 位版本。。
新增: .wmv(VC-1) 及 .mp4(H.264),输出 64 位元影片。
新增: iMotionPlus 格式(包含「动作」、「脸部表情」、「可视状态」、「弹性特效」及「声音」)。
新增:「烧入约束 key(包含「路径」、「碰触」、「连结」、「接触」及「视线」)」功能。
. 优化脸部对应之控制点
. 强化唇形视觉品质
. 新增可动舌头
. 更新侧脸对应界面
修正:将角色 Gwynn 的「弹性特效」加回。
修正:载入旧 iClone4 资料时,嘴唇关键格显示「None」的问题。
修正:在 iClone4 中,以外部贴图方式使用内建贴图製作专案后,在 iClone 5 却找不到贴图的问题。
修正:iClone Standard 版中的 Human-IK 编辑问题。



Reallusion iClone 5.51 with Resource Pack | 1.0 Gb

iClone is a tool that uses real-time game engine technology to enable users to create their own machinima movies and, in our case, this is ideal as a pre-vis tool.

With iClone Version 5.5, your character animation pipeline is finally complete! The New MotionPlus format allows you to easily save all of your facial, body, accessory, spring and constraint data all into a single MotionPlus file so that it can be reused and reapplied to other characters. In addition, you’re now able to customize your own landscapes with the height map terrain, directly in iClone!

Reallusion iClone 5.5 Pro with Resource PackReallusion iClone 5.5 Pro with Resource Pack

v.5.51 (v.5.51.3507.1)

Added: Compatible with Avatar Toolkit2 Series (eg. Monster Workshop I Repack / Toon Maker).
Fixed: Reduced random crashes in the 64 bit version when using Motion Puppet & Timeline Editing.
Fixed: Importing characters caused crashes after plugging/unplugging the earphone jack.
Updated: Update Height Map Terrain in .iScene files, to make them compatible with the updated iTerrain from 5.5.

About Reallusion Inc.

Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Reallusion is a leader in the development of 3D cinematic animation tools for consumers, students and professionals. Recognized as an industry pioneer, the company provides consumers with easy-to-use avatar animation, facial morphing and voice lip-sync solutions for real-time 3D filmmaking and previsualization for professional post-production. Reallusion’s core technologies are widely used by consumers, gamers and filmmakers to ready their PCs with a total real-time movie studio that plugs-in to the gamer mentality with videogame-like play-to-create technology. Professional content developers equip their studios with Reallusion technology to streamline production efforts to match the lightspeed demands of animation. In addition to PC software, Reallusion is a trusted digital imaging and mobile 3D development partner to brother, Panasonic, Skype and Nokia with embedded applications in leading consumer devices worldwide. 

Name: Reallusion iClone
Version: 5.51.3507.1 with Resource Pack
Home: www.reallusion.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 1.0 Gb

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