
Altair HyperWorks (64bit) 12.0.1 for Windows 8

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Altair HyperWorks (64bit) for Windows 8Altair宣布正式发布HyperWorks 12.0——PLM市场上最全面的计算机辅助工程CAE平台。HyperWorks 12.0在产品优化、有限元建模、多物理场分析、动力总成耐久性分析、轻量化设计以及其它方面带来新的功能,促进最终用户生产力水平的提升。

“HyperWorks12.0提供自动化及易用的功能,从而节省时间、保证精度并达到轻量化;还提供更多探索不同设计的机会。” Altair首席技术官James Brancheau说,“HyperWorks平台极具开放性,同时各个模块间的紧密整合、协同工作,使工程师、设计师和分析师可以自信地创建并评估他们产品的各方面性能,这种自信源于他们可以设计出满足要求的最优产品。”

HyperWorks 12.0主要在以下方面得到提升和加强:

实用性 –– 旨在压缩时间和提供易用的CAE技术,包括改进模型浏览器,新的简化用户界面用于快速建模(BasicFEA)和对3D可视化的支持(HyperView)。

先进的网格划分算法–– 多种对壳和体网格划分的功能,比如中面网格划分并自动从复杂的CAD几何映射厚度及附带的质量控制机制(HyperMesh)。

模型装配 –– 多种复杂的模型装配方法用于快速装配复杂的模型,包括自动化的焊点生成方法。

动力总成耐久性和大规模NVH分析和优化 –– 新增和加强的功能包括一步法传递路径分析(TPA)和多级子结构求解器OptiStruct(AMSES)。

GPU支持 –– RADIOSS中的隐式求解器、OptiStruct和AcuSolve增加对GPU的支持,通过“节省成本”的软件授权模式管理。

自动扩展–– 允许与第三方组件实现联合多体动力学仿真分析(MotionSolve)。
最顶级的优化能力–– 加速轻量化设计并且包含新的复合材料制造约束(OptiStruct)。
噪音预测分析 –– 新的Ffowcs-Williams-Hawkings噪声求解器精确地预测远处麦克风位置的噪音水平(AcuSolve)。

智能多物理场分析–– 新颖的统一的软件授权模式为用户带来高性价比的HyperWorks及Altair合作伙伴联盟(Altair Partner Alliance)中的求解器,用于分析复杂的多物理场问题。

设计探索、研究和优化 ––全新设计发布的HyperStudy加速设计稳健性和可靠性研究。
仿真驱动概念设计工具–– 最新版的solidThinking Inspire允许设计师在设计流程的早期阶段创建并探索有效结构设计的概念,同时solidThinking Evolve带来基于NURBS的3D建模和渲染环境以创建可制造的模型以及使用卓越的视觉效果渲染CAE结果。

HyperWorks12.0的功能提升得到了测试用户的肯定。比如,波音公司的技术研究员Jonathan Gabrys说:“新的3D能力创建了一个身临其境的环境,提升了我们概念设计和分析的能力。尤其是,能够解读复杂的分析结果,比如应力场或位移,以及使用3D可视化提供深层次的理解。”

除了HyperWorks,Altair还通过Altair合作伙伴联盟(APA)提供第三方技术和无以伦比的价值。通过直接使用HyperWorks Units(HWUs)系统,HyperWorks客户可以使用来自近30家战略合作伙伴所开发的大量专业软件。

随着HyperWorks12.0的发布,Altair继续增加HyperWorks软件授权模式的价值、灵活性和移动性。同时可以通过HyperWorks On-Demand(HWOD)在“云端”使用,HWOD是使用Altair PBS Works为高性能计算(HPC)做作业负载管理、作业提交、监视和工作量分析而创建的平台。它可以实现轻松访问云计算以及随后的统计信息——所有这些功能均可以采用现有的HWUs,也就意味着所需要的额外投资最小。
更多关于HyperWorks 12.0的信息,请访问:



 Altair HyperWorks (64bit) for Windows 8 | 4.6 Gb



HyperWorks is an enterprise simulation solution for rapid design exploration and decision-making. As one of the most comprehensive, open-architecture CAE solutions in the industry, HyperWorks includes best-in-class modeling, analysis, visualization and data management solutions for linear, nonlinear, structural optimization, fluid-structure interaction, and multi-body dynamics applications.

Altair HyperWorks (64bit) for Windows 8

he latest version of HyperWorks included of new features to meet the changing needs of those engaged in finite-element analysis, simulation-driven design, product optimization and other CAE projects. In HyperWorks 12.0 reflected additional advancements in the extensive capabilities of the CAE suite:

– HyperWorks modeling and visualization tools, like HyperMesh and HyperView, consistently surpass users’ expectations, as demonstrated by their clear supremacy in both automotive and aerospace markets.
– HyperWorks 12.0 will further enable the optimization and analysis of innovative composite materials.
– Through RADIOSS, AcuSolve and MotionSolve, HyperWorks 12.0 will offer extended solver capabilities and performance improvements, in particular for such analysis domains as powertrain durability, noise and vibrations, multibody dynamics, aerodynamics and multi-physics.
– Optimization through OptiStruct and HyperStudy continues leading the way to efficient, lightweight products and design exploration.
– Collaborative knowledge management is increasingly important in HyperWorks, easily connecting engineers to other enterprise tools.

Altair HyperWorks (64bit) for Windows 8

About Altair

Altair empowers client innovation and decision-making through technology that optimizes the analysis, management and visualization of business and engineering information. Privately held with more than 1,800 employees, Altair has offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. With a 27-year-plus track record for high-end software and consulting services for engineering, computing and enterprise analytics, Altair consistently delivers a competitive advantage to customers in a broad range of industries. Altair has more than 3,000 corporate clients representing the automotive, aerospace, government and defense, and consumer products verticals. Altair also has a growing client presence in the electronics, architecture engineering and construction, and energy markets.

Altair HyperWorks (64bit) 12.0.1 Suite for Windows 8

Name: Altair HyperWorks
Version: (64bit) 12.0.1 for Windows 8
Home: www.altairhyperworks.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 5.4 Gb

Note: This is special version that can be installed on 64-bit Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8. The usual official version of HyperWorks 12.0.1 shared by Altair befor can not be installed on Windows 8

Altair HyperWorks (64bit) 12.0.1 for Windows 8

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