
IBM Rational Software Architect Standart Edition

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IBM Rational Software Architect(RSA), 该产品是一个专门面向端对端(end-to-end)软件交付,高级的、全功能的应用设计、建模和开发工具。在最新的 V8 版本中,带来了最新的设计和建模技术,提供了对 SOA、JavaEE 5 等技术的完整支持,同时还可集成 IBM 的产品生命周期管理解决方案。

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IBM Rational Software Architect Standart Edition Rational Software Architect Standart Edition

Platform software factories for software development in Java and C + +
Powerful means of modeling and graphical editing for various areas (UML 2, Java, C + + XSD and others). Includes integrated toolkit JDT and CDT on Eclipse and provides an integrated development environment and development.

Manage projects more efficiently and risk: the possibility of tracing allows you to analyze the influence of the proposed changes.

Manage projects more efficiently and risk: the possibility of tracing allows you to analyze the influence of the proposed changes.

Quickly factory specialized solutions based on your own examples of art using development tools based on examples. Use object-oriented languages ??to describe the specific tasks and areas of solutions. Automate the development, design by using samples.

Take action to implement your software solutions are always performed correctly. Take advantage of intelligent agents for the detection and reporting infrastructure modeling solutions already implemented and planned implementation, as well as create templates configurations in accordance with the best practices work. Integration with Rational BuildForge allows you to automate the processes of implementation.


Integration with Tivoli Asset Discovery allows you to know the technical characteristics of the infrastructure.
An additional integration with products delivery platform software IBM Rational, including IBM Rational Team Concert, IBM Rational Asset Manager, IBM Rational Requirements Management, WebSphere Business Modeler, Rational System Architect and other products.

Open and extensible system based on Eclipse 3.4. Adapted to individual needs. Installing components is carried out either with a high degree of detail. Thanks to the good features of the system configuration the user selects only those tools that he really needs.
Starting with version 7.5.4, support is provided for BPMN 2, SoaML and DoDAF 2.

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