
Delcam Crispin Pro 2013 Suite 鞋业CAD/CAM

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Delcam CRISPIN为制鞋业提供全球唯一的鞋业CADCAM全面解决方案,它为鞋类企业各设计部门,开发部门,制造部门和供应商提供了一个统一的工作平台,帮助鞋类企业加速设计开发和制造进程,显著缩短新鞋款的上市时间,提高市场份额,增加公司利润。


Delcam CRISPIN为您提供全面,功能强大,易学易用的鞋类设计与制造解决方案,为鞋类企业提供了必要的工具,帮助他们开发出高质量鞋款。


Delcam CRISPIN 是全球制鞋行业中唯一能够提供完整鞋类产品全流程解决方案的软件系统。


Delcam CRISPIN 提供如下解决方案….


  • 扫描鞋楦、扫描脚型、设计和加工定制鞋
  • 鞋楦工程与级放,输出到CAM加工系统
  • 鞋类设计、视觉仿真和制造
  • 鞋底鞋模设计、级放和加工
  • 鞋类概念设计、建模、鞋底工程和级放
  • 样板开发、级放和评估
  • 针车程序及制版
  • 工艺表单
  • 排料及切割样板
  • 成本核算





Delcam CRISPIN is the world’s largest supplier of CADCAM software to the footwear industry and is the only supplier able to provide a complete solution for the design and manufacture of lasts, uppers and soles.


The CRISPIN name is recognised internationally for providing world-leading design and manufacturing software for the footwear industry. At Delcam we pride ourselves in our relationship with our customers, providing cutting edge solutions with premium training and support.


Together Delcam CRISPIN provide the only complete footwear CADCAM solution that is designed to help you speed up your footwear design and manufacturing processes and reduce your product time to market.


Our Footwear Solutions provide the necessary tools to help you produce high quality footwear that is right first time. CRISPIN offers you a comprehensive, powerful, yet easy-to-use footwear design and manufacturing solution that requires minimal training.



Delcam Crispin Engineer Pro 2013 R1 SP1
Delcam Crispin LastMaker 2013 R1
Delcam Crispin PatternCut 2013 R1
Delcam Crispin ShoeMaker 2013 R1 SP2


Name: Delcam Crispin
Version: Pro 2013 Suite
Home: _www.delcam-crispin.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven

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