
Mikrosonic RoboVox v1.6.3 Android 语音转换

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改变你的声音与RoboVox和你的声音听起来吓人的或有趣的,音乐的,邪恶的或类似著名的机器人! RoboVox是一个语音记录器和语音应用程序使用声码器技术。




– 24个语音模型如花栗鼠,氦气声音音调切换(),Discobot,BADMAN,驱魔,赛隆人的Dalek,唱歌,机器人,维达,HAL,斯蒂芬,先知
– XY控制字段修改音高和调制
– 3种不同的模式:实时,鹦鹉和记录的
– 实时模式(使用耳机)
– 语音记录
– 分享您的结果直接在Facebook上*或SoundCloud
– 保存并通过电子邮件发送您的作品为WAV文件
– 保存您的转化的声音作为手机铃声
– 声码器的实时FFT频谱分析

– 无广告
– 所有24个语音模型
– 设置的声音作为手机铃声
– 扩展的共享功能


Lz0PDA has released “Mikrosonic RoboVox” for Android. Modify your voice live with your headphones on, record your voice and play it back transformed or use the parrot mode that repeats your altered voice automatically.

Description: Transform your voice with RoboVox and have your voice sound scary or funny, musical, evil or like famous robots! RoboVox is a voice recorder and voice changing app using vocoder technology. Choose among 24 different voice styles and jam with the pitch and modulation settings by sliding your finger across the X-Y control field.


  • 24 voice models such as Pitch Shift (Chipmunk, Helium voice), Discobot, Badman, Exorcist, Cylon, Dalek, Singing Robot, Vader, HAL, Stephen, Prophet
  • X-Y control field for modifying pitch and modulation
  • 3 different modes: real-time, parrot and recording
  • Real-time mode (with headphones)
  • Voice recording
  • Share your results directly on Facebook* or SoundCloud
  • Save and email your creations as WAV files
  • Save your transformed voice as ringtone
  • Vocoder with real-time FFT spectral analysis

Release Name: Mikrosonic.RoboVox.v1.6.3.Android-Lz0PDA
Size: 63.97 MB
Links: Google PlayNFONTiTPB

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