
SmartScore 64 MIDI Edition 11.3.76

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此版本拥有重新设计的界面,工具栏和按钮按功能整齐排列,更易于用户的导航,拥有更强大的OCR,采用出色的机器智能技术,现在可以以99%以上的准确率识别歌词和文本。软件改进了播放功能,现在可以连接到您最喜欢的音频单元/VST 音频插件、工作站或数字声音字体集,并且新的算法可以更好地响应动态和发音,为演奏带来更多的细微差别和逼真的效果。

Languages: English, German
File Size: 640.78 MB

Scan & play! Sheet music to MIDI in seconds. Scan multiple pages of printed sheet music or process any PDF file and watch as it reconstructs on-screen in seconds, ready for playback, and transposition. Simultaneously view and edit MIDI data in both notation & familiar Piano Roll, Overview and Event list format. Updating is automatic. Export MIDI files to other programs, including Apple® GarageBand®, Acid®, Cubase®, Cakewalk®, Logic® or other MIDI-based software. Most notation symbols including key and time signatures are written to the MIDI file.

Two-way notation-to-MIDI-to-notation editing
Visualize and edit underlying MIDI structure. MIDI editors are fully integrated with the music notation editor. Velocity and Tempo graphical controllers allow for smooth dynamic shading. Edits made in one screen are automatically updated in the other.

Complex Symbols Recognition and Editing
Superior recognition and editing of complex symbols such as cross-staff beams and voices, key and time signatures including change-of-key and change-of-time.

MIDI Sequencer
Playback and edit your scanned music in standard notation environment (comparing the original to the recognized version). Or visualize, edit and play back in the familiar MIDI sequencing environment. Includes Piano Roll, Overview and Event List views.

New playback engine features Fluid Synth instrumentation with nuanced dynamics and articulations. Convert playback of your scores to .MP3 audio files in just seconds. Save scores as Type 1 or Type 0 MIDI files for export into any MIDI sequencer application. You can even convert to XF MIDI files for Yamaha keyboards.

System Requirements
Windows XP or later (64-bit)




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