
Siemens Simcenter FEMAP 2022.2.0 x64 with NX Nastran

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Femap v2022新版发布!

Femap是一种先进的工程仿真软件程序,用以创建复杂工程产品和系统的有限元分析模型,并显示解决方案的结果。事实上, Femap 能够创建部件、装配件或系统模型,并确定某一给定操作系统的行为反应。

您可以利用 Femap 的数字化仿真功能:

  • 预测产品性能和可靠性,并加以改进。
  • 减少劳民伤财的实物原型制作和测试
  • 评估不同的设计和物料
  • 优化设计和减少物料消耗

Femap 是一套独立于 CAD 系统的程序,可存取来源于所有主流 CAD 系统的图形数据,包括 CATIA , Pro/Engineer , NX , Solid Edge , SolidWorks 以及 AutoCAD 。一旦图形导入,您就可以准备模型进行分析,利用图形定位器识别和显示潜在的故障个体,比如裂片,然后利用图形清理工具将它们移除或禁用。 Femap 还提供了很多创建和修改图形的功能,这样就可以在创建有限元模型时对模型做一些必要的变更。

File Size: 2.6 GB

Femap is a CAD-independent pre- and post-processor from Siemens PLM Software for carrying out engineering analysis by the method of finite elements (FEA) (Finite Element Analysis – FEA). This means that Femap is the link between the user and the solver – the core that performs computations in engineering analysis problems. Femap, integrated with the NX Nastran solver, runs on Microsoft Windows and is part of the Velocity Series product line and is an independent, full-featured environment for modeling, simulating and evaluating product performance analysis results…….



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