
FastCopy Pro 5.1 x64

Windows dsgsd 129浏览 0评论

FastCopy是一款快速的文件拷贝计算机软件,是遵循GPLv3的开源软件,适用于Microsoft Windows平台,也是一款绿色软件。该软件的特点是复制速度更快,能保留被复制文件和文件夹的原始时间,以及其他高级功能。

File Size: 5.2 MB

FastCopy is the Fastest Copy/Delete Software on Windows. It can copy/delete unicode and over MAX_PATH(260byte) pathname files. Automatically, after whether the copy origin and copy destinations are HDD according to same physical HDD or is judged, it operates as follows. Diff HDD: Reading and writing are done with the MultiThreading in parallel. Same HDD: Using big buffer, reading until the buffer becomes full, and writing in bulk……..

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