PRO/II 是一个历史最悠久的通用化工稳态流程模拟软件,最早起源于 1967 年 SimSci 公司开发的世界上第一个炼油蒸馏模拟器 SP05 。 1973 年, SimSci 推出基于流程图的模拟器, 1979 年,又推出基于 PC 机的流程模拟软件 Process (即 PRO/II 的前身),并很快成为该领域的国际标准。自此, PRO/II 获得了长足的发展,客户遍布世界各地。PRO/II适用于:油/气加工、炼油、化工、化学、工程和建筑、聚合物、精细化工/制药等行业,主要用来模拟设计新工艺、评估改变的装置配置、改进现有装置、依据环境规则进行评估和证明、消除装置工艺瓶颈、优化和改进装置产量和效益等。
PRO /II®过程模拟软件是一种稳态模拟器,可实现改进的过程设计和操作分析。它旨在为各种化学过程执行严格的质量和能量平衡计算。
PRO / II跨越石油和天然气分离到反应蒸馏,为化学,石油,天然气,固体加工和聚合物行业提供了当今最全面的过程模拟解决方案。
PRO/II 拥有完善的物性数据库、强大的热力学物性计算系统,以及 40 多种单元操作模块。它可以用于流程的稳态模拟、物性计算、设备设计、费用估算/经济评价、环保评测以及其它计算。现已可以模拟整个生产厂,从包括管道、阀门到复杂的反应与分离过程在内的几乎所有装置和流程,并在油气加工、炼油、化学、化工、聚合物、精细化工和制药等行业得到了广泛应用。
• 常减压
• 催化裂化
• 加氢裂化
• 烷基化
• 异构化
• 重整
• 加氢精制
• 焦化
• 聚合物生产
• 乙烯裂解
• 烯烃生产
• 天然气处理
• 气体脱硫
• 润滑油加工
• 中间体生产
• 合成氨
• 无机化合物
Provision 图形界面是建立和修改流程模拟和复杂模型的理想工具,用户可以很方便地建立某个装置,甚至是整个工厂的模型,并允许以多种形式浏览数据和生成报表。
PRO/II 已广泛地应用于工厂设计、工艺方案比较、老装置改造、装置标定、开车指导、可行性研究、脱瓶颈分析、工程技术人员和操作人员的培训等领域,协助企业优化生产装置,降低生产成本和操作费用,以及节能降耗等,以获得巨大的经济效益。
AVEVA, a global leader in engineering and industrial software, is pleased to announce the availability of AVEVA PRO/II Simulation (formerly PRO/II) 2023.0. Designed to perform rigorous heat and material balance calculations for a wide range of chemical processes, AVEVA PRO/II Simulation offers a wide variety of thermodynamic models to virtually every industry.
AVEVA PRO/II Simulation is a professional simulation tool that offers a comprehensive simulation solution for process design, revamp, and operational analysis. AVEVA PRO/II Simulation performs rigorous mass and energy balances for processes ranging from oil and gas separation to reactive distillation. AVEVA PRO/II Simulation has the power and flexibility to simulate a wide range of processes at steady state, from refining to chemicals. AVEVA PRO/II Simulation provides robust and accurate results based on industry-standard thermodynamic methods and physical property data. AVEVA PRO/II Simulation is a valuable tool allowing engineers and management to enhance the bottom line of their process or plant.
AVEVA PRO/II Simulation (formerly PRO/II) makes the complex simple. It’s used by engineers around the world every day to perform heat and material balance calculations for all types of refining and chemical processes, giving them accurate insight into plant behavior and constraints.
AVEVA is a global leader in engineering and industrial software driving digital transformation across the entire asset and operations life cycle of capital-intensive industries. The company’s engineering, planning and operations, asset performance, and monitoring and control solutions deliver proven results to over 16,000 customers across the globe. Its customers are supported by the largest industrial software ecosystem, including 4,200 partners and 5,700 certified developers. AVEVA is headquartered in Cambridge, UK, with over 4,400 employees at 80 locations in over 40 countries.
Product: AVEVA PRO/II Simulation
Version: 2023.0 (build 18.01.2023)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.aveva.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 798.0 mb
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