
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Fusion Studio 19.0.20 b2

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Blackmagic Design DaVinci Fusion Studio 19.0.14 b1


Fusion 是面向视觉效果艺术家,广播和动态图形设计师以及3D动画师的世界上最先进的合成软件。在过去的30年中,Fusion已用于数千部好莱坞大片电影和电视节目中。 Fusion具有功能强大的基于节点的界面,通过将不同类型的图像处理工具连接在一起,您可以快速轻松地创建复杂的效果!您将获得大量工具,令人难以置信的VR和3D支持,GPU加速性能,无限的网络渲染等等! Fusion为您提供了制作激动人心的广播图形,戏剧性标题甚至主要故事片视觉效果所需的一切!

Fusion 18的新功能

您在 Fusion 页面上创建的合成现在可以保存为模板并在剪辑或快编页面上使用!当您在编辑中更改动画的持续时间时,新的动画曲线修改器可用于自动重新定时动画。带有波形显示的音频播放可以更轻松地创建精确定时的动画,与编辑页面共享标记等等。此外,Fusion 页面新增了 27 个 GPU 加速的 Resolve FX,包括来自调色页的降噪和锐化工具!新的节点视图书签使导航大型组合变得容易,工具栏可以使用您喜欢的工具进行自定义,并且节点编辑器支持垂直布局。










Fusion页面具有27个新的GPU加速的Resolve FX。其中包括彩色页面的降噪和锐化工具,以及镜头模糊,灯光效果,色彩效果,复兴图像恢复工具等。您还将获得纹理和风格化,时间效果,翘曲和美容工具。



Blackmagic Design DaVinci Fusion Studio 19.x | 3.9 Gb
Languages Supported: English, Français, Español, Português, Русский, 中文, ภาษาไทย

Blackmagic Design has announced Fusion Studio 19 Public Beta 1. This software update installs the Fusion Studio 19 public beta which adds support for uVolume VDB files, multipoly rotoscoping, a new multi-merge tool and an expanded set of USD tools.

What’s new in Blackmagic Fusion Studio 19.0

– Support for Resolve FX Surface Tracker.
– Support for Resolve FX Object Removal.
– Multi Poly tool for easier rotoscoping of complex objects.
– IntelliTrack AI point tracker option in Tracker.
– Support for Open Color IO 2.3.
– USD enhancements for Material X and advanced volumetric shading.
– Multiple shape toolset enhancements.
– Improved Text+ inspector and on-screen controls.
– Option to specify duplication path in duplicate tools.
– Support for deleting and resetting layers in MultiMerge.
– Option for sBooleans to retain the upstream style.
– Set control to default now clears animations, modifiers and expressions.
– Ability to match planar tracker sizes to dissimilar logo and image overlays.
– Faster rendering of streaming 3D textures in compositions.
– Up to 3x faster Magic Mask performance.
– Up to 2.5x faster DaVinci Neural Engine performance with Nvidia TensorRT.
– New left flow and mid flow UI presets with vertical viewer layouts.
– Option to edit right digit when editing inspector values using cursor keys.
– General performance and stability improvements.

Fusion is the world’s most advanced compositing software for visual effects artists, broadcast and motion graphic designers, and 3D animators. Over the last 30 years, Fusion has been used on thousands of Hollywood blockbuster movies and television shows. Fusion features a powerful node based interface that lets you quickly and easily create sophisticated effects by connecting different types of image processing tools together! You get a massive range of tools, incredible VR and 3D support, GPU accelerated performance, unlimited network rendering and more! Fusion gives you everything you need to create exciting broadcast graphics, dramatic titles, and even major feature film visual effects.

Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. manufactures video products for feature film, post production, and television broadcast industries. Its products include video editing products, professional digital film cameras, color correctors, video converters, video monitoring products, routers, live production switchers, disk recorders and storage solutions, waveform monitors, and real time film scanners. The company’s products also include capture and playback cards, standards conversion products, broadcast converters, audio monitoring products, multiview monitoring products, routing and distribution products, test equipment, H.264 encoding products, and resolve and fusion software. In addition, it offers talkback converters for remote cameras. The company offers its products through authorized resellers and online resellers in Australia and internationally. Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. was founded in 1984 and is based in Port Melbourne, Australia. It has additional offices in Fremont, California; Knutsford, Uniт ed Kingdom; Singapore; Beijing, China; and Tokyo, Japan

Owner: Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd.
Product Name: Fusion Studio
Version: 19.x
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.blackmagicdesign.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 3.9 Gb



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