
Scientific Toolworks Understand 6.5 Build 1183 MacOS

MacOSX dsgsd 83浏览 0评论

Scientific Toolworks Understand是一款定位于代码阅读的软件。界面用Qt开发的。


  • 1、支持多语言:Ada, C, C++, C#, Java, FORTRAN, Delphi, Jovial, and PL/M ,混合语言的project也支持
  • 2、多平台: Windows/Linux/Solaris/HP-UX/IRIX/MAC OS X
  • 3、代码语法高亮、代码折迭、交叉跳转、书签等基本阅读功能。
  • 4、可以对整个project的architecture、metrics进行分析并输出报表。
  • 5、可以对代码生成多种图(butterfly graph、call graph、called by graph、control flow graph、UML class graph等),在图上点击节点可以跳转到对应的源代码位置。
  • 6、提供Perl API便于扩展。作图全部是用Perl插件实现的,直接读取分析好的数据库作图。
  • 7、内置的目录和文件比较器。
  • 8、支持project的snapshot,并能和自家的TrackBack集成便于监视project的变化。

File size: 562 MB

Analyze dependencies between modules, classes, functions, and custom architectures. Make informed decisions regarding refactoring, optimization, and overall code organization by using Understand’s dependency graph and other features.

Code navigation
Quickly and efficiently move through your codebase. With features like cross-references and call trees, developers can easily locate and understand specific sections of code, improving productivity and troubleshooting.

Organize with Architectures
Rearrange your code into logical groupings, providing a structured view that allows for easy navigation and better understanding of relationships between components. Manage large codebases efficiently and streamline your development process.

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