
Liberty Street HomeManage 2024 v24.0.0.10

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Liberty Street HomeManage是一款出色的家居库存管理软件,可以在您移动时跟踪你的财物,记录下用户拥有的每个物品,以防丢或者损坏时可以提出索赔,同时这个索赔功能特别棒,用户可以将您的财产和资产进行有组织的记录, 摆脱电子表格, 使用条形码扫描仪可立即检索带条形码的物品的产品信息和照片,并且软件支持条形码数据库中有超过99045000个项目,可每天都会添加新项目,让你轻松彻底的完成遗产规划。另外你还可以用软件绘制出详细的资产信息,轻松创建包含图形、图像、总计等内容的报告,并可将这些报告转化为PDF、HTML、Excel、RTF、XML等文本格式,告别以往杂乱无章的信息技术管理,比任何时候都要省心省力,通过科学合理的家庭资产规划,让整个家族成员受益

File size: 87.81 MB

AssetManage Home Edition…this is my pick for your home inventory. software. se our new, integrated report designer to create and edit your own reports. Easily create reports with graphs, images, totals and more. Save and print the report, or export to one of many different formats, including PDF, HTML, Excel, RTF, XML, text and many more. But that is not all, our report designer also allows you to create labels and “File Cards”. You can even print out barcode labels to attach to your property. Scan the barcode later to bring up the AssetManage record pertaining to that item.

* Keep an organized record of your possessions. Get rid of folders filled with receipts, warranties and photographs.
* You’ll always know what was in your home at the time of any theft or catastrophic event
* Relax when you change residences. HomeManage is an excellent tool for keeping track of your belongings when you move. Imagine being able to make certain that nothing gets left behind or disappears in transit
* Have a record of each item you own in case you need to make an insurance claim for loss or damage.
* Be thorough in your estate planning. By recording each item and noting its beneficiary, you can help communicate your intentions for estate planning, and provide excellent backup to your will.
* Use HomeManage in your small business. keep track of computers, printers, tools and other assets that belong to your small business.


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