
NewTek LightWave 3D 2023.0.2 x64

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NewTek公司开发的LightWave 3D是一款高性价比的三维动画制作软件,它的功能非常强大,是业界为数不多的几款重量级三维动画软件之一。

广泛应用在电影、电视、游戏、网页、广告、印刷、动画等各领域。它的操作简便,易学易用,在生物建模和角色动画方面功能异常强大;基于光线跟踪、光能传递等技术的渲染模块,令它的渲染品质几尽完美。它以其优异性能倍受影视特效制作公司和游戏开发商的青睐。当年火爆一时的好莱坞大片《TITANIC》中细致逼真的船体模型、《RED PLANET》中的电影特效以及《恐龙危机2》、《生化危机-代号维洛尼卡》等许多经典游戏均由LightWave 3D开发制作完成。

x64 | File Size: 455 MB

NewTek LightWave 3D® makes it possible for anyone to become a 3D artist and animator. The software is affordable, complete, easy to learn and use and well established as one of the leading 3D systems on the market for producing beautiful photo-real renders as well as incredible anime. This complete out-of-the-box 3D animation solution now offers real-time collaborative 3D interactivity through a bridge to Unreal Engine………….

System Requirements
Hardware:Intel® Core™ 2 or AMD64 with SSE4 instruction set (Bulldozer onwards)
System RAM: 4 GB minimum

Operating System:Windows 7 64-bit or better
Minimum Graphics Card:NVIDIA® GeForce® 9 series or ATI Radeon HD 4000 series (minimum)
Minimum Screen Resolution:1280 x 1024 pixels
Recommended Graphics card:GeForce 10 series or newer at 1920 x 1080 or better

Installation Requirements
All systems require 750MB available hard drive space (excluding content); complete Content library is approximately 3GB.



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