
Exelis Envi 5.0.2 SP2 with add-ons 完整的遥感图像处理平台

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Exelis Envi 5.0.2 SP2 with add-ons
ENVI——完整的遥感图像处理平台ENVI(The Environment for Visualizing Images)是美国Exelis Visual Information Solutions公司的旗舰产品。它是由遥感领域的科学家采用交互式数据语IDL(Interactive Data Language)开发的一套功能强大的遥感图像处理软件。它是快速、便捷、准确地从影像中提取信息的首屈一指的软件解决方案。今天,众多的影像分析师和科学家选择ENVI来从遥感影像中提取信息。ENVI已经广泛应用于科研、环境保护、气象、石油矿产勘探、农业、林业、医学、国防&安全、地球科学、公用设施管理、遥感工程、水利、海洋、测绘勘察和城市与区域规划等领域。
ENVI的背景创建于1977年的RSI(现为Exelis Visual Information Solutions公司)已经成功地为其用户提供了超过30年的科学可视化软件服务。目前ITT Visual Information Solutions的用户数超过200,000,遍布于80个国家与地区。


Exelis Envi 5.0.2 SP2 with add-ons | 2.9 Gb
Exelis Visual Information Solutions proudly announces the release of ENVI 5, the next generation of ENVI, the company’s industry-leading image analysis software which is used across industries by professionals who want to uncover hidden information in geospatial imagery in order to make better, more informed decisions.

ENVI 5 introduces imagery consumers to an innovative and streamlined user process for their image analysis workflow, making complex analysis tasks easier.

Designed to make image analysis accessible to users of virtually any experience level, ENVI 5 provides:

– An intuitive, easy-to-navigate interface.
– A highly-efficient display for large datasets.
– New automated processes for several popular analysis tasks.
– A flexible application programming interface for customizing the software to unique user needs.

ENVI 5 was developed to introduce efficiency and speed into the previously complex workflow of converting raw imagery into actionable information. The new, streamlined user process benefits today’s changing imagery consumer, from the GIS professional who needs to enhance a mapping applications for better geographic awareness, to the research scientist using imagery to aid in critical discoveries.

The ENVI 5 dynamic user interface provides time and effort saving features to meet the changing needs of today’s imagery user, introducing a single window display where all ENVI analysis tools are available with a single mouse click from an intuitive ribbon menu bar.
Large, multi-gigabyte datasets common in the modern workflow are read and processed quickly and efficiently, allowing users to spend more time focusing on end results and less time waiting for them.
Additionally, several new automated processes help new and experienced users alike obtain the answers they need faster, providing wizard-like processes to easily detect change between images taken over time, classify types of land cover materials in an area of interest, georeference points in an image to a basemap, and to orthorectify scenes for correcting sensor distortion.

– Exelis (ex. ITT) ENVI v5.0.2 SP2
ENVI combines advanced spectral image processing and proven geospatial analysis technology with a modern, user-friendly interface. Whether you use panchromatic, LiDAR, SAR, multispectral or hyperspectral imagery, ENVI has the latest processing and analysis tools to help you extract meaningful information to make better decisions.
– ENVI SARscape 5.0
ENVI SARscape allows you to easily read, process, and output your Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, and transform it into meaningful, contextual information.
– ENVI Orthorectification Module 5.0 SP2
Satellite and aerial imagery is used increasingly in GIS and scientific applications for the rich information it provides about a geographic area. If you use imagery as a source for information, you’ve encountered a need to perform orthorectification – the process of accurately registering imagery to ground coordinates and geometrically correcting it to remove distortions that happen during image capture.

About Exelis Visual Information Solutions

Exelis VIS Europe supplies industry leading software solutions, consultancy services, training and support to European geospatial imagery users in diverse industries. Operating through a network of European offices and authorised distributors, Exelis VIS Europe is wherever you are when you rely on Earth images to achieve your objectives.

For applications in Environmental Monitoring, Defence and Security, Urban Planning, Oil & Gas exploration and many more fields, Exelis VIS develops an innovative range of software solutions. ENVI, SARscape, ENVI LiDAR, IAS, and IDL all work together to allow you turn imagery into knowledge in the pursuit of your goals.

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