
Universal Extractor 1.7.3 Build 73 Beta Portable 万能的文件提取器

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正如软件的名称所言,Universal Extractor是一款近乎于万能的文件提取器,支持的文件类型多达40多种。无论是简单的压缩文件如zip、rar、7z,还是软件的安装程序如Inno Setup、InstallShield、Winodws Installer,抑或是一些软盘光盘镜像如IMG、ISO,甚至某些加壳的PE文件都可以使用它将打包在其中的文件提取出来。软件的使用十分方便,只需要指定待提取的文件和目标文件夹,Universal Extractor 会自动分析文件类型并提取完成。通过在资源管理器中使用鼠标右键操作,更是可以一键完成提取。事实上,Universal Extractor 的幕后功臣是一大堆的命令行工具,真正的提取文件工作是由它们完成的(Universal Extractor 本身也支持命令行操作)。Universal Extractor 把众多的命令行工具集中到一起,附以简洁明了的GUI,造就了一款不可多得的优秀软件。



Universal Extractor 1.7.3 Build 73 Beta Portable | 7.4 MB
Universal Extractor is a program designed to decompress and extract files from any type of archive or installer, such as ZIP or RAR files, self-extracting EXE files, application installers, etc. The full list of supported formats can be found in the table below. It’s able to support so many varied file formats by utilizing the many backend utilities listed in the credits at the bottom of the page.

Please note that Universal Extractor is not intended to be a general purpose archiving program. It cannot (and never will) create archives, and therefore cannot fully replace archivers such as 7-Zip or WinRAR. What it will do, however, is allow you to extract files from virtually any type of archive, regardless of source, file format, compression method, etc.

The original motivation behind this project was to create an easy, convenient way to extract files from various types of installation packages without the need to remember arcane command line switches or track down separate utilities to handle the unpacking. Over time, and with the encouragement of its many users and the fine folks over on the MSFN forum, it has evolved into a mature and very capable unarchiving utility that many, including myself, find indispensable.

Features of the add-on:
• To reduce the size of the add-on documentation removed and all of the files unpacked UPX-Ohm.
• The place of installation: %PROGRAMFILES%Universal Extractor
• Items “extracted using UniExtract are added to the context menu of a file and “Send to”menu
• It is impossible to uninstall the program through the add / remove programs”.
• Has a Russian interface.

Updated components:
– TrIDDefs.TRD (5058 file types, 19.05.13)
– UnRAR.exe version 5.0.4 beta (19.05.13)
– removed Booz.exe (16-bit programs)
– added SfxSplit.exe version (thanks Oleg_Sch)
– added daa2iso.exe version 0.1.7e (18.09.09)
– added uif2iso.exe version 0.1.7c (11.05.09)
– added unzoo.exe version 4.8 (03.10.05)

– language files:
– English
— English (thanks ricktendo64)
— Jewish (added gratitude Aharon Don)
— Spanish (thanks ricktendo64)
— Italian (thanks Light)
— Chinese Simplified) (thanks jasonliull)
— Chinese (Traditional) (thanks Jack)
— Polish (thanks Maslak66)
— Portuguese (Brazilian) (thanks igorruckert)
— French (thanks Galaxyjam)
— Ukrainian (thanks YuriPet)
– – incorrect definition of the RAR SFX (TrIDDefs.TRD). Bug report to the author, Marco Pontello sent, and he promised to correct it

Recompile the script:
– custom tab is divided into two tabs (Option 1 and Option 2″)
– added option “Check first as SFX archive”
– added an option “do Not close the window after unpacking”
– added option “Delete files after successful extraction”
– removed option to select the folder log file
– relevant changes were introduced into the above language files
– fixed unpack pea archives (error in the original source)
– fixed unpack cdi image
– supports archive format zoo on x64 systems
– support of images daa format
– supports image format gbi
– supports archive format RAR5
– additional detective SFX archives of 5 types (7z, ZIP, CAB, RAR4, RAR5)
— when you have the configuration file (comment) in SFX (7z, ZIP, RAR4, RAR5) retrieves the configuration file (comment)
— when you have the configuration file (comment) in

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