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《大战异次元怪兽》(Kaiju-a-Gogo)是Kerberos Productions为PC、Mac和移动游戏平台开发的一款以巨型怪兽为主要卖点的策略动作游戏作品。玩家将扮演一位初出茅庐的疯狂科学家,其创造了世上第一个可供人类驱使的怪兽。同时,敌对种族也做到了这一点,开发了属于他们自己的怪兽与玩家抗衡,玩家有五年的时间利用自己的怪兽达到统治全世界的目标。游戏中玩家需要踏平城市,摧毁建筑来收集资源和据点,摧毁敌人的陆军、海军、警察和巨型机器人。在行动间隙,怪兽可以回到秘密巢穴,玩家可以让怪兽休息,并可以将其治愈并训练获得全新的能力。


About This Game: Kaiju-a-gogo is a strategy/action title featuring GIANT MONSTERS. The player takes on the role of a fledgling Mad Scientist who has built the first human-controlled Kaiju in the world. While your rivals race to catch up with your genius and build their own Kaiju to compete with you, you have a five-year-window to use your Kaiju to achieve TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION.

Start off the game Mad Scientist Dr. Norman E. Farious and his Kaiju creation, Ginormasaurus! You will then start play at your Secret Lair, an uncharted island, and launch your first attacks upon the unsuspecting world. As you crush city after city with your magnificent creation, the resistance of the people in that region will weaken, until eventually they bow to the inevitable and admit that you’re in charge. When you have conquered all of the regions on the globe, you win! You are the world’s supreme dictator and number one monkey. Simple as that.

Genre: Action, Casual, Indie, Strategy
Developer: Kerberos Productions Inc.
Publisher: Kerberos Productions Inc.

Release Name: Kaiju-A-GoGo-SKIDROW
Size: 913 MB
Links: HomepageSteamNFO

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