ESET File Security 6.0.12035.1 | 157.53 Mb
ESET File Security for Microsoft Windows Server efficiently protect file servers against all types of malicious software. The product is optimized to work in a server environment to ensure data security without compromising performance. Protection against viruses and spyware is one of the main functions of the software ESET File Security. In the traditional version, this protection prevents malicious attacks on the computer by controlling file, email and Internet connections. If there is a threat, module antivirus can eliminate it, first blocking and then cleaning, deleting or moving it to quarantine.
Key features:
The ESET cluster
This peer-to-peer (P2P) infrastructure interaction ESET product line for Microsoft Windows Server, which provides interaction between ESET server products. Allows you to share data such as configuration and alerts, and perform synchronization of the data needed for the proper operation of a group of instances of products. This provides the same product configuration across the cluster. A Windows failover cluster and cluster network load balancing (NLB) supported by product ESET File Security 6. You can also add elements of the cluster ESET manually without having to use a specific Windows cluster. Clusters ESET working in the media domain and workgroup.
Store scanning
Scans all shared files on the local server. This simplifies custom scan only user data that is stored on the file server.
Automatic exceptions
Automatic detection and exclusion of applications and files on the server that are critical for the smooth and efficient operation.
Collector magazines
Automatically collects configuration information, numerous magazines ESET File Security, and other information. Collector magazines ESET will simplify the collection of diagnostic information required by ESET technical specialists to resolve the problem.
eShell 2.0 (ESET shell Shell)
Managing command line interface that offers advanced users and administrators full control over the server software ESET. New, improved, version of eShell 2.0 allows you to completely abandon the graphical interface.
Optimized for virtual environments
Feature ESET Shared Local Cache can significantly speed up the scanning of virtual machines by storing information about previously scanned shared files.
Technology that protects solution security ESET from the change and disable it.
New in version:
Support for clustering
Improved graphical interface
Scan filtering-based rules (defining rules
for files and ad hoc on-demand scan)
Phishing protection
Optimization of virtualized environments
System requirements:
Processor: Intel or AMD x86, x86-x64
Microsoft Windows Server 2003/ 2003 R2/ 2008 (x86 and x64)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2/ 2012/ 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials with SP1
Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2012/ 2012 R2
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003/ 2003 R2 (x86)
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008/ 2011 (x64)
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Essentials/ 2012 R2 Essentials
Microsoft Windows MultiPoint Server 2010/ 2011/2012
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